Tue. Oct 1st, 2024

The preliminary report of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (CPI) of the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST) defines the organization as a “landless MST faction” and argues that there are similarities in the movement’s methods and actions with drug trafficking. The text by the rapporteur, deputy Ricardo Salles (PL-SP), calls for the indictment of 12 people. Among them, federal deputy Valmir Assunção (PT-BA), the former minister of the Institutional Security Cabinet (GSI) of the Lula government, general Marco Edson Gonçalves Dias, known as G. Dias, and the leader of the National Front of Country and City Fight (FNL), José Rainha.

“From all the above, it can be seen from the testimony of the couple, former members of the landless MST faction in the Federal District, the similarity of the methods, terminologies and actions that organized drug trafficking crime adopts in dominated areas, in different locations of the Country”, states the rapporteur in the partial report obtained byEstadão. The reading of the final report is scheduled for next Thursday, 21st, at 9am.

The 60-page document mentions a “land invasion industry in Brazil” with “state cover-up”. “In addition to the unequivocal action or omission of the federal government, directly or indirectly, in the criminal actions investigated in this CPI, there is no doubt that this great scheme actively counts on the participation of federal and state parliamentarians who manipulate the most humble and they take advantage of them to obtain political and financial benefits for themselves”, says the text.

According to the report, the 12 defendants committed various crimes such as ideological falsehood, tax evasion, forced labor, embezzlement, embezzlement, violence and threats, among others.

See who the 12 are requesting indictment:

Gonçalves Dias

The report states that G. Dias lied during a hearing at the MST CPI when he stated that land invasions were not the subject of debate or analysis by ministers and the President of the Republic. “His version ended up being doubly refuted, both by the speech of the Minister of State for Agrarian Development, Mr. Paulo Teixeira, and the Minister of State for Agriculture and Supply, Carlos Fávaro. Both confirmed that this topic of land invasions was the subject, since the beginning of the year, with the escalation seen in numerous discussions between ministers, including in meetings of ministers in which the President of the Republic was present”, states the text.

The rapporteur requests indictment for the crime of false testimony under article 342 of the Penal Code. “Therefore, there is no doubt that, even though he was able to remain silent, due to the decision of the Federal Supreme Court that was granted to him, the deponent chose to lie under oath to tell the truth to the CPI”

José Rainha

The indictment of landless leader José Rainha is requested for the crime of ideological falsehood and tax evasion. The rapporteur also highlighted in the document the leader’s relationship with deputy Sâmia Bomfim (PSOL-SP), for whom Rainha campaigned in the 2018 elections. During the hearing, he denied a relationship with the parliamentarian, but, after being confronted with a video exposed, went back.

“Once the work began, it became clear to the members of the CPI that José Rainha confessed to the crime of ideological falsehood, under the terms of art. 299 of the Penal Code, using for himself a producing note in the name of third parties, as well as the crime of tax evasion, by confessing to omitting income of the tax authorities, under the terms of Law 4,729/65”, says Salles.

Valmir Assunção and advisors

Federal deputy Valmir Assunção (PT-BA) is named in the report as being “supposedly the mastermind and main beneficiary of all the criminal actions carried out by the MST in that extreme south of the State (of Bahia).” People linked to the parliamentarian are also on the list of indicted people, such as landless leaders Oronildo Lores Costa, Welton Souza Pires, Lucinéia Durans do Rosário and Paulo Cesar Souza, in addition to Diego Dutra Borges, Juliana Lopes and Cirlene Barros.

The report cites cases in which leaders, allegedly at the behest of Assunção, appropriated goods found in invaded properties. The document also reports the situation in which campers and settlers were allegedly forced to campaign on the streets, without pay or food, for whole days, in favor of the election of the deputy.

“In relation to federal deputy Valmir Assunção, in addition to the indictment proposed in this report, it is necessary to instruct a process to be forwarded to the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Deputies for the initiation of the respective ethical disciplinary process, since said actions were allegedly carried out in full exercise and, in part, due to the exercise of the parliamentary mandate and the execution of its amendments arising therefrom”, says the text.

Débora Nunes and Jaime Silva

The leader of the MST, Débora Nunes, and the director-president of the Institute of Land and Agrarian Reforms of Alagoas (Iteral), Jaime Silva, are cited in the chapter of the report in which Salles describes the CPI’s investigation into the State of Alagoas in August 2023.

According to the document, a resident identified only as “Mr. Roberto” stated that he witnessed “several opportunities for misappropriation” by Débora of resources obtained from the sale of cassava extracted by residents without any compensation. Reports of physical punishment, threats and relentless persecution by the leader were also cited. According to the document, she acted as a kind of “faction foreman within the camp.”

“The members of the CPI witnessed the evident discrepancy between the miserable life of the campers in general, and the evident prosperity of the Débora Nunes leadership: their clothes, their car, their house… Débora Nunes must have her request for criminal indictment forwarded by this CPI for allegedly leading the actions and abuses committed in the São José camp on those led, the mass of maneuver, such as the imposition of forced labor, misappropriation, embezzlement, violence and threats, among others”, he states.

Jaime Silva is accused of approving the action of the Alagoas Land Institute in paying, with public money, the subsistence of the landless people of the Frente Nacional de Luta (FNL) and the MST in the State, according to documents obtained by the commission. “All these contracts were signed by the current President Director of ITERAL, Mr. Jaime Silva who, for this reason, from alleged incitement, promotion and facilitation of the crimes of possessory embezzlement, obstruction of public roads, damage to public and private property, becomes be the subject of a request for indictment by this CPI”, says the text.

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The post MST’s CPI: Salles calls the movement a ‘faction’ and compares it to drug trafficking appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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