Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

It has even become a stereotype to say that Brazilians need to acquire their own property to feel secure in life in general. And, if we stop to think about it, this is a question that makes sense when we analyze the data. According to a study carried out last year by the startup QuintoAndar in partnership with Datafolha, around 70% of Brazilians live in their own properties. In the survey, it was found that young people are once again interested in real estate: 91% of Brazilians aged 21 to 24, for example, stated that one of their dreams is to have their own home.

In the Federal District, to give you an idea, in 2022, companies associated with the Association of Companies in the Real Estate Market of the Federal District (Ademi-DF), carried out 24 launches, making 3,271 properties available throughout the DF.

With such a favorable scenario, and the latent desire to acquire your own property, it is worth remembering that before closing the deal, you need to pay attention to avoid having a headache when it comes to moving in. Especially when it comes to purchasing an off-plan apartment, as many people dream of buying it brand new.

“Acquiring a new property guarantees low initial maintenance costs. This is because, since the property is new, the chances of problems are lower in the first few years after delivery. This results in cost savings when compared to older properties that may require repairs more frequently”, says the managing partner of Apex Engenharia, Eduardo Aroeira.

To help resolve some debts, Eduardo Aroeira listed some of the most common mistakes made by those who buy off-plan apartments.

Search company history

For Eduardo, it is extremely important that, before signing the contract, the person first needs to meet the responsible developer. In this case, researching the history and reputation of the seller or, in this case, the company, as well as the construction model and socio-environmental actions chosen. “Carry out a thorough check on the company’s history, the quality of its projects and whether it has certifications and quality seals, such as ISO 9001, which consists of ensuring greater quality in the delivery of products or services, focusing on strategic management of the company. This certificate is very important, as it is a standard that certifies the company’s ability to provide compliant products and services”, he says.

Financial planning

Many people are not aware of the fact that there can be a long period between purchasing and handing over the keys. This requires planning. The managing partner of Apex Engenharia highlights the importance of carrying out financial planning, and thus not compromising personal income between the purchase and delivery of the keys, as this process can take on average two and a half years, depending on the size of the enterprise.

“From the beginning, the person needs to adapt the down payment and installments according to their planning, understanding that, in addition to paying for the asset purchased, there will also be housing expenses during this period. For this to work well, do some research and compare the different financing options available on the market, as well as the interest rates and terms offered by banks. The positive side of financing is that as you know the construction and delivery schedule of the property, it is easier to make financial planning at a later date. long-term, adjusting your financial commitments according to the payment dates established by the entrepreneur”, he advises.


One of the most common mistakes is that the buyer, when searching for a property, sometimes does not pay attention to what stage the work is at, whether it is in pre-launch or launch. “When a person understands the current stages of the works, it becomes simpler to search for projects that suit their expectations, from the deadline for receipt, to the customization possibilities”, he says.

Waiting too long to hire a professional

It is natural that some people have the desire to make changes to the structural part of the apartment. But it is worth remembering that, while construction continues, it is recommended to already have in mind which professional will carry out this project.

“We observed that many wait for the keys to be handed over or hire a professional when the construction company asks for personalization decisions. This can be a problem, since, when the company makes this sign, the adjustment phase has already passed and this causes the customer to lose work time, which could have been done before handing over the keys. And, when the client misses this deadline, the hired professional does not have time to thoroughly evaluate the options presented. Ideally, from the beginning, the person has already chosen the project to be carried out and the professional who will carry it out”, he explains.

The post Mistakes to avoid when buying an off-plan apartment appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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