Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

SÃO PAULO, SP (FOLHAPRESS) – Support for the therapeutic use of marijuana is an issue that unites the majority of the Brazilian population, regardless of political orientation. According to research by Datafolha, Lulistas and Bolsonaristas are largely in favor of the medicinal use of the plant.

The institute interviewed 2,016 people aged 16 and over across Brazil, on September 12th and 13th. The margin of error is plus or minus two percentage points.

In total, 76% said they were in favor of using marijuana to treat diseases in Brazil, while 22% were against it. The plant is used in the treatment of epilepsy, Parkinson’s, glaucoma, cancer, multiple sclerosis and other diseases.

Among those interviewed who declared their vote for Lula (PT) in the 2022 presidential election, support is 82%. Only 16% of those interviewed with this profile said they were against medicinal cannabis. Support is lower among those who voted for Jair Bolsonaro (PL), although it remains in the majority: 69% were in favor and 29% against the legalization of marijuana for therapeutic use.

The survey also asked respondents about permission to grow marijuana for medicinal purposes in Brazil. Two out of three people (67%) said they were in favor of legalization, while 31% said they were against it and 1% indifferent.

Among Lula voters, support for planting regulations is 73% and rejection is 24%. Among those interviewed who voted for Bolsonaro, 59% were in favor and 39% were against.

The treatment of various diseases with the use of marijuana has become increasingly widespread in Brazil, but it still does not reach the majority of the population. Only 3% of respondents interviewed by Datafolha said they use or have already used a medicine made from the plant.

In contrast, among the 97% who have never used medicines derived from cannabis, 60% said they would definitely accept this type of treatment if recommended by a trusted doctor, and 15% would consider this option. A portion of 23% would refuse treatment even with medical recommendations.

Currently, the use of substances derived from marijuana for medicinal purposes is permitted in Brazil, as long as the patient obtains a prescription from a doctor. With a prescription in hand, it is possible to import medicines or buy some medicines available in pharmacies – both options with high costs. Another alternative is to obtain the medicine from a patient association that has judicial authorization to grow cannabis.

The post Medicinal use of marijuana has the support of Lulistas and Bolsonaristas, according to Datafolha appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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