Sun. Sep 29th, 2024

After the overturn of the time frame in the Federal Supreme Court (STF), the Parliamentary Agricultural Front (FPA) will intensify the coordination for the approval of bill 2903/20223 in the Senate, which establishes in law the time frame for demarcation of indigenous lands . “We are not innovating anything. We want to guarantee the right to property because we see a complete dismantling of legal security in the field. We understand that we have enough votes to approve the time frame in the Senate”, said the president of the FPA, federal deputy Pedro Lupion (PP -PR), at a press conference a while ago. He recalled that the FPA is the largest group in the National Congress, with 374 parliamentarians.

On Thursday afternoon, the STF ruled on the unconstitutionality of the time frame, that is, on the possibility of restricting the demarcation of indigenous areas only to lands that were occupied by the indigenous population on the date of promulgation of the Constitution, on October 5th. 1988. Agribusiness defends the constitutionality of the time frame, based on the 19 conditions of the Raposa da Serra do Sol trial, and compensation to owners of demarcated lands.

According to Lupion, the fact that Congress legislates on the topic does not mean usurpation of the STF’s power. “We will continue working for the approval of the time frame in the Senate and we will move forward with the Proposals for Amendments to the Constitution on land compensation and on the inclusion of compliance with the time frame in the Constitution,” he stated.

The project is being processed by the Constitution and Justice Committee (CCJ) of the Senate and should be voted on next Wednesday (27). Regarding the possible approval of an urgent request for the project, the president of the ruralist bench said that the Senate’s regime is “completely different” to that of the Chamber. “What we agreed with (Rodrigo) Pacheco is that the time frame project should go to the Senate plenary after the CCJ. So far, Pacheco has fulfilled what was agreed with us”, he pointed out.

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The post Lupion: We understand that we have enough votes to approve the time frame in the Senate appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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