Fri. Sep 20th, 2024


President Lula (PT) will meet this Wednesday (27) with the president of the Central Bank, Roberto Campos Neto, after months of attacks on the head of the monetary authority and the institution’s interest policy.

It will be the first agenda between the two since the PT member assumed the Presidency of the Republic, in January 2023. The two met during the transition government, at the end of last year. The Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, will also participate in the meeting.

Criticism of the level of the basic interest rate (Selic) was a constant for months in the Chief Executive’s speeches.

Lula even made personal attacks on Campos Neto, calling him “this citizen” and questioning his intentions in command of the BC, raising hypotheses that his actions were to benefit third parties.

The meeting takes place after the institution made two consecutive cuts in the Selic rate. The last one was done on the 20th. Following the strategy announced at the previous meeting, the Copom (Monetary Policy Committee) of the BC reduced the Selic by 0.5 percentage points, from 13.25% to 12.75% per year. All nine members voted for the cut.

Like the president’s, Campos Neto’s agenda released early this Tuesday evening (26) also included a record of the meeting, intended, according to the BC’s note, to “deal with government matters”.

Folha showed that, from being present at the Palácio do Planalto under the government of Jair Bolsonaro (PL), Campos Neto is no longer a regular visitor to the Presidency headquarters since Lula resumed office in January of this year.

During the Bolsonaro government, the president of the BC played an active role as an advisor to the Planalto, being consulted on issues that even went beyond the economic area. During the Lula government, the commander of the monetary authority became the target of criticism.

Even after the institution’s autonomy, which came into force in February 2021, Campos Neto continued to participate in ministerial meetings of the Bolsonaro government and held dozens of bilateral meetings with the former head of the Executive.

The post Lula will meet Campos Neto for the first time since assuming the Presidency appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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