Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Sao Paulo-SP

Lexa, 28, said she faced episodes of forgetfulness because of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The singer, who was diagnosed with the autoimmune disease about two months ago, told the details during her participation in the Meeting (Globo).

“I found out that I have a disease called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. I only mentioned it now. The person said something now, and I already forgot. If you’re not careful, it affects your voice. And it’s my job. I need to talk about it, to alert other women,” he said.

Afterwards, the artist revealed that she has already started treatment. “I started taking medicine every day. And changing my diet,” she explained.

The singer spoke for the first time about the diagnosis during her participation in the PodPeople podcast, by psychiatrist Ana Beatriz Barbosa, last week.

“My memory seems to be a little short, I forget all the time. I noticed a few things. When I received the diagnosis, I was very sad. Nobody wants to have an autoimmune disease”, he added.

According to doctor Ana Beatriz Barbosa, hashimotos means that antibodies attack the thyroid. “You must have felt a little slower, a little more tired, thinking that was quick and became a little slower, difficulty losing weight.”

The post Lexa reveals that the disease was diagnosed after bouts of forgetfulness appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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