Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Judge Omar Dantas Lima, from the 3rd Criminal Court of Brasília, followed the decision of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) that received the complaint against former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL) for incitement to crime by saying that he would not rape the deputy Maria do Rosário (PT-RS) because she ‘doesn’t deserve it’.

The case happened in 2014, when Bolsonaro was also a federal deputy. As the former president had forum prerogative, the complaint from the Attorney General’s Office (PGR) was analyzed by the STF. With the end of the mandate, the case was sent to the first instance.

The judge decided to continue the process. “I ratify the procedural acts carried out in the original instance and determine the continuation of the action”, he wrote.

On social media, the former president claimed to be a victim of ‘persecution’. “I was insulted, I defend myself and once again the order of facts is modified to confirm yet another political persecution known to everyone,” he wrote.

In July, the DF Court filed another lawsuit against Bolsonaro, for insult and slander against Maria do Rosário, opened in the wake of the same statements. Judge Francisco Antonio de Oliveira, from the 2nd Special Criminal Court of Brasília, concluded that the case was time-barred.

The former president has already been ordered to pay R$10,000 in moral damages for the same offense, in a decision by the Federal District Court of Justice in 2015, reiterated by the STF in 2019.

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The post Judge maintains complaint against for inciting the rape of Maria do Rosário appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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