Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The governor of the Federal District, Ibaneis Rocha (MDB), received, this Tuesday (26), the Commendation of Order for the Merit of Accounts Ruy Barbosa, granted by the Court of Auditors of the DF (TCDF).

The Chief Executive was honored during the special honors session that recognized authorities and civil servants who work in defense of public resources. The ceremony is part of the activities celebrating TCDF’s 63rd anniversary.

“I know that this commendation does not only come in my name, but in the name of all the employees of the Federal District who have been dedicating themselves throughout this period to transform the lives of the residents of our city, especially those who are most humble and who need it” , said the governor. “This commendation comes with a very strong meaning that we are on the right track. In the line of dialogue, conversation, harmony and understanding”, he added.

Ibaneis made a point of recognizing the role of the Federal District Court of Auditors. “TCDF is a true partner of citizenship in the Federal District. I have been following all the bidding and contract processes that are supervised here by the court and the team works diligently and with great care. I want to extend these words to all the employees of this House who provide exceptional service to the Federal District”, he praised.

The president of the TCDF, counselor Márcio Michel, highlighted that the awarding of honors aims to recognize the authorities and employees of the Federal District who contribute to the court’s ability to fulfill its inspection mission. “This celebration we held today has the effect of honoring and congratulating all those who contribute greatly to the Federal District, as well as to the Court of Auditors, in its role of supervision”, he explained.

It was from the hands of the counselor and on his recommendation that Ibaneis Rocha received the Grand Cross, awarded to those who contribute to the defense of public resources. “Governor Ibaneis was honored by this court for his work, his resourcefulness and the way he has been working, with honesty and transparency. This court will always be grateful to him, for the fact that he makes the court very comfortable when working”, explained Michel.

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The minister of the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU), Aroldo Cedraz de Oliveira, and the president of the Legislative Chamber of the DF, deputy Wellington Luiz, were awarded the same grant as Ibaneis Rocha. The recognition of Grand Officer, Commander, Officer and Knight was also awarded at the ceremony.

The DF attorney general, Ludmila Lavocat Galvão, was remembered in the special session. She was awarded the honor of Grand Officer. “It’s a feeling of great emotion, joy and gratitude. I receive this medal on behalf of the entire Federal District Attorney General’s Office and the work we have done during these four and a half years”, she commented.

Who was also honored by the Court was the lawyer Valdetário Andrade Monteiro, who held the position of secretary of the DF Civil House between 2019 and 2020. Monteiro received the Grand Officer Commendation.

The ceremony in the auditorium of the Federal Court of Auditors began with the National Anthem being played by musicians from the Claudio Santoro National Theater Symphony Orchestra, who were responsible for the soundtrack throughout the ceremony.


The Order of Merit of Accounts Ruy Barbosa was established by Resolution No. 167, of July 13, 2004, and divided into Grand Cross degrees; Grand Officer; Commander; Officer and Knight. The honor is granted to those who contribute to the defense of the treasury and the control of public management acts and to the enhancement of control institutions abroad, in Brazil or in the Federal District (DF).

The information is from Agência Brasília

The post Ibaneis receives commendation from the Federal Court of Auditors appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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