Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The executive secretary of the Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ricardo Cappelli, stated, this Monday (25), that the government will invest around R$2 billion in a security plan for the Legal Amazon.

According to Cappelli, the proposal foresees the creation of 34 new security bases, the implementation of a command center for the National Security Force and an international cooperation center to exchange information and actions with neighboring countries.

“Here in Brazil, we are building a bold plan with investments of around R$2 billion for the Brazilian Amazon – called the Safer and Sovereign Amazon, with the implementation of 34 security bases, of which 28 are land bases and six are river bases,” said Capelli. during the opening of the 13th Citizen Security and Justice Week.

Capelli represented the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flávio Dino, at the event, held in partnership with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Government of Bahia. The objective is to celebrate the week ending on the 29th, with the sharing of experiences of good practices and projects in the area of ​​public security in Latin America and the Caribbean.

“We face the challenges of making state policies act in a coordinated way to tackle crime, which is increasingly organized,” he said. “Organized crime does not recognize geopolitical borders. We face crime in the Brazilian Amazon and it spills over into the country next door.

Capelli said that the department will launch a program to combat criminal organizations and defended a more coordinated action by the state police. He also cited a television report that showed members of a criminal organization practicing rifle training in the Maré favela, in Rio de Janeiro, and highlighted the need for structuring policies that can promote development as the best way to prevent crime.

“We are convinced that we need to have structuring measures, present alternatives for youth in the outskirts, especially for young black people who are more vulnerable, they are hostages of organized crime. But, at the same time that we need to continue the structuring measures, we need to face a climate and an immediate situation, a concrete war situation that we find in some cities in our country,” he said.


The IDB representative in Brazil, Morgan Doyle, said that the institution has focused on actions aimed at tackling situations of crime and violence that impact the well-being of the population and also the growth of the economy. A study by the bank showed that crime and violence represent around 3.5% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Doyle said that the institution will launch a platform with more than 700 successful projects and experience in the area of ​​security, on topics such as violence against children and young people, against women, criminal justice, among others. One of these experiments, in Rio Grande do Sul, managed to reduce the number of homicides of young people aged 15 to 24 by 45%, in the location where it was implemented.

“Our purpose is to help align security policies with this scientific knowledge and positive evidence of good practices. In Brazil, we have a great partnership with the Ministry of Justice and several entities that all add up to more than US$750 million in 12 projects,” said Doyle. “This platform is a space for authorities and members of other organizations to also contribute, learn from each other, because the goal of regional dialogue is to bring everyone together, to listen and share the things that work and the that don’t work”, he added.

The information is from Agência Brasil

The post Government will invest R$2 billion for the security of the Legal Amazon appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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