Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

Every week, patients and employees at the Basic Health Unit 1 in Brazlândia enjoy a moment of relaxation and stress reduction promoted by the unit’s technical team. On Fridays, starting at 8:30 am, employees promote Stress Reduction Technique (TRE) classes in the external area of ​​the UBS. The practice consists of a sequence of exercises, stretches and postures that activate spontaneous tremors in certain muscles of the body and release tension.

The technique was introduced into the DF’s public health network in 2010. Since then, several employees of the Health Department (SES-DF) have been trained and several regular activity groups have been created. Classes are open to the general community. In Brazlândia, the population can also look for TRE activities at UBS 2, located in Vila São José. There, the practice takes place every Wednesday, at 8:30 am.

“We do seven exercises that stimulate tremors and, from there, we are able to release the tension in the body. First, we stretch, then relax and, finally, we open space for a moment of sharing, in which participants can share what they thought of the day’s activity”, explained UBS 1 community agent Railton Xavier de Jesus.

Housewife Meire da Silva, 52 years old, revealed that practicing activities is already part of her routine. “I have been coming to UBS for almost seven months. I feel very good. It’s something that we don’t know the body needs to release. There is a lot of tiredness and stress from the daily routine. I just have to advise other people who are experiencing difficulties to try TRE classes”, she defended.

Leide Rodrigues is a nurse at UBS 1 and, according to her, practicing TRE exercises helps to provide better care to the population that attends the unit. “I have been participating since 2012. I feel a sense of relaxation, a moment of well-being and self-care that improves tension. When we are well, we begin to serve patients better, conveying more calm and security. This is very important,” she pointed out.

In addition to TRE classes, UBSs 1 and 2 in Brazlândia promote other health activities among the community. On Mondays and Wednesdays, from 7:30 am, there are walking groups for all ages with a meeting point at UBS 1. At UBS 2, there is a Lian Gong group — Chinese therapeutic and preventive gymnastics — on Tuesdays and Thursdays. fairs, from 8am.

With information from Agência Brasília

The post Goodbye, stress! UBS offers weekly relaxation activities appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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