Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024


Minister Gilmar Mendes, of the STF (Supreme Federal Court), closed the investigation involving allies of the president of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), on suspicion of deviations in contracts for robotics kits in Alagoas, last Thursday (21).

In the minister’s opinion, there was “usurpation of the jurisdiction” of the Supreme Court. The decision, which is confidential and was confirmed by UOL, follows an August opinion from the PGR (Attorney General’s Office) which argued that the investigation should have been initiated in the Supreme Court, and not in the first instance.

Gilmar argued that the investigations were initiated by the Federal Police “without observing the forum prerogative established in the Federal Constitution” given that Lira, as a deputy, has a privileged forum. According to the minister, the PF would not have included the parliamentarian in the investigation, although his name was mentioned 27 times in the journalistic articles on which the investigation was based.

According to the decision, however, the rules of forum prerogative do not prevent “investigation of the facts on the initiative of the competent authorities”. The deliberation applies to everyone involved.
PF investigations pointed to fraud in contracts for robotics kits for public schools in Alagoas, involving people close to Lira, including an advisor, Luciano Cavalcante – the police forwarded the investigation in June to the STF. Everyone involved denies the accusations.

The president of the Chamber began to appear in investigation reports because of handwritten notes of a series of payments to “Arthur”. According to Piauí magazine, the records amount to R$265,000. In a note, Lira stated that his income “comes from his earnings as a farmer and his remuneration as a federal deputy.”

The president of the Chamber has always denied having participated in any irregularities and said he had been the target of lessons. He also criticized the publication of information about investigations in the press.

The post Gilmar archives investigation of Lira’s allies in the robotics kit case appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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