Tue. Oct 1st, 2024

The guiding document for public policies developed by the State, the 2019-2060 Strategic Plan underwent a careful review in 2023. It took almost seven months of intense work. All bodies and entities of the Government of the Federal District (GDF) were involved in workshops and meetings, which, together, consumed almost 2.5 thousand hours. The objective was to adapt the Executive’s planning to the new government cycle and, thus, align the progress of actions and projects aimed at the centenary of the capital of the Republic.

“The strategic plan is the document that defines where we are and where we want to go”, explains the executive secretary of Planning at the Secretariat of Planning, Budget and Administration of the Federal District (Seplad-DF), Otávio Veríssimo. According to him, the plan includes 494 initiatives. “These are strategic actions and projects in all areas of activity of the GDF. From economic and social development to the environment and infrastructure,” he adds.

Veríssimo explains that the review also made it possible to highlight the priority agendas listed by the governor over the past year. “When reviewing, we focus our work on unifying the strategic plan; the Government Plan presented and debated during the transition; and, also, the public commitments of Governor Ibaneis Rocha. We were also able to point out how the projects were progressing, adding evaluation and monitoring indicators and metrics”, he details.

“It is a long-term plan and over time, when uncertainties reduce, we carry out revisions”, adds Otávio Veríssimo. According to him, at the time, the review was profound, as it emerged from a post-election period. “There was a renewal of the population’s vote of confidence in relation to this government project, so new initiatives were put in front of the population”, he explains.

Strategic vision

Undersecretary for Management of Strategic Programs and Projects at Seplad, Adriano Leal also highlights the importance of the review work. “It is essential for management as a whole. Because the plan gives focus, guides everyone involved, all interested parties, from the strategic level to the employees at the base”.

Leal reinforces that all of GDF’s efforts are directed towards the deliveries listed in the strategic plan. “When we focus on what is strategic, other projects that come, which are not listed, have to go through a whole process to enter the government agenda. In other words, the strategic plan is the government’s own agenda at a priority level.”

For the Secretary of Planning, Budget and Administration, Ney Ferraz, the work was essential for the distribution of the budget. “With the revised strategic plan, we were able to build the bill for the Multi-Year Plan 2024-2027, focusing on what is actually a priority. It also served to formulate the Annual Budget Law and other projects aimed at public accounts”, says the secretary.

Union of efforts

The construction of the 2019-2060 Strategic Plan – as well as the revision of the text in 2023 – involved the entire GDF. In total, 203 employees from bodies and entities participated in the activities proposed and conducted by Seplad. 120 meetings were recorded, in addition to the workshops held at the School of Government (Egov).

“From Seplad alone, we had 30 employees directly involved in the work in a process that lasted more than 120 days”, details undersecretary Adriano Leal. “We recorded 2,480 hours of work in this process. To get an idea of ​​how intense and thorough it was, just for data collection and refinement, 1,920 hours were used,” he adds.

Strategic Plan Review

– 494 initiatives;
– 13 areas of government: health, education, social, housing, security, infrastructure, mobility, environment, economic development, culture, sport, leisure and management;
– 2.5 thousand hours of work;
– 120 internal meetings at Seplad and/or with other GDF bodies.

Check out the full plan on the website: planoestrategico.df.gov.br

The post GDF revises Strategic Plan 2019-2060 for better quality of life appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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