Sun. Sep 29th, 2024

The security forces of the Federal District and the companies participating in the Mutual Aid Plan (PAM) participated, this Wednesday (20), in a simulation of a car accident involving flammable material. The action took place on the Security Route, in the Flammables Sector (SIN), and involved around 150 employees from private companies and GDF bodies.

On that occasion, there was a simulation of a collision between a tanker truck, fueled by diesel, and a public transport bus with fictitious passengers. During the simulation, those involved needed to help the victims and combat the fire and fuel leaks.

The objective of the action is to prepare employees from the private sector and the DF security forces to deal with risky emergency situations involving dangerous products.

“This simulation is fundamental because large companies have their plans to combat the emergency and it is important that we know how they work so that we can provide the necessary support”, stated the DF Civil Defense Operations Coordinator, Lt. Colonel Gabriel Mota de Carvalho.

According to him, the simulation also improves the performance of GDF bodies in cases of risk emergencies with dangerous products. “The most important thing for the government is to understand the competencies of each body and know what its role is. This activity trains the team to act in the event of an accident like this actually happening in the DF, knowing the competence of the bodies and each one acting in an integrated way in the rescue”, he defended.

The simulation included the work of several government bodies, such as the DF Military Fire Department (CBMDF), Civil Defense, Department of Traffic (Detran-DF), Department of Agriculture, Supply and Rural Development of the DF (Seagri-DF ), Brasília Environmental Institute, Brazilian Army, Environmental Sanitation Company and DF Health Department (SES-DF).


The Mutual Aid Plan (PAM) is a collaboration between security agencies and forces of the Government of the Federal District (GDF) with voluntary companies in the fuel and flammable sector with the aim of preparing and training professionals to draw up action protocols in emergency situations. .

Currently, 15 companies in the field of handling dangerous products are part of the PAM, whose sub-coordination is the responsibility of the Federal District’s Sub-Secretariat for Protection and Civil Defense.

“PAM is the union of companies that act in cases of emergencies. The simulation comes precisely to combine the actions of government bodies with the private sector in helping with a possible emergency, which can happen in any location, in any environment”, defended the PAM coordinator, Dilson Oliveira de Souza.

In addition to the PAM, the DF has the District Commission of the National Plan for Prevention, Preparation and Rapid Response to Environmental Emergencies with Hazardous Chemicals (CD-P2R2), which aims to bring strategies to ensure the safety of waste management employees. dangerous products.

With information from Agência Brasília

The post GDF carries out simulation of accident with flammable material appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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