Mon. Sep 23rd, 2024

Maxmilhas filed a request with the Minas Gerais Court of Justice (TJMG) to be included in the 123milhas judicial recovery process. The two online travel agencies are part of the same business group.

In a note, Maxmilhas informed that the measure aims to “ensure compliance with commitments made with partners, suppliers and customers, and organize, with maximum transparency, debts in a single court”.

Maxmilhas also said it believes it will be able to accelerate the payment of all amounts owed and “restore its financial and operational balance as quickly as possible.”

According to the travel agency, the request made to TJMG is mainly due to the effects on the sector caused by the situation with 123milhas which, in August, announced the suspension of all its packages with flexible dates and the issuance of promotional tickets.

“Although Maxmilhas has an independent operation, the online travel agency market has been significantly impacted, which has significantly hampered Maxmilhas’ financial capacity”, says the note.

There will be no suspension of products and the cancellation of tickets or accommodation reservations is not occurring, according to the agency, which said there is still no labor dispute among the debts included in its request for judicial recovery.


On Wednesday, one day before Maxmilhas filed its request, the Minas Gerais Court suspended 123milhas’ judicial recovery process, responding to an appeal from Banco do Brasil, which claimed that the company did not present all the documents required to enable the processing of judicial recovery.

According to the appeal, the list of creditors has not yet been presented with the initial petition. BB also requested the dismissal of 123milhas’ judicial administrators for alleged technical incapacity to carry out the work.

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The post From the same group as 123milhas, Maxmilhas also goes to court appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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