Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024


Given the possibility of Flávio Dino being nominated for a vacancy in the STF (Supreme Federal Court), experts point out that he could leave the ministry he has commanded for less than a year without his own brand in public security.

The assessment is that the initiatives implemented so far by the department are more palliative actions than policies to improve the sector and reduce crime rates. These measures include emergency responses to deal with crises, such as January 8, attacks on schools, illegal mining in the Amazon, as well as joint operations with states and municipalities.

A survey carried out by the report shows that the main programs announced by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security have barely progressed. The PAS (Security Action Program) includes a series of actions, including Pronasci (National Program for Public Security with Citizenship).

Created during Lula’s (PT) second term, Pronasci is being revived with the purpose of reducing violence and promoting citizenship.

To date, however, actions carried out under the program’s banner have included the launch of a notice for cultural projects, the distribution of safety equipment across the country, including vehicles, and the announcement of the construction of Casas da Mulher Brasileira.

Another Lula banner in the campaign, weapons policy underwent significant changes during Dino’s administration, with a new decree being signed by the president.

However, the process of transferring people with CAC registration (collectors, sports shooters and hunters) from the Army to the Federal Police is slow and should only end in January 2025. In addition, the department needs to deal with the police corporation’s claim for more positions.

According to Luís Flávio Sapori, a public security specialist and member of the Brazilian Public Security Forum, if Dino leaves the department in the coming weeks, his administration will probably be remembered as effective in crisis management.

“He managed the crises that escalated during these nine months very well, however, he failed to signal a strategic plan for the entire period of Lula’s government,” he said.

“He tends to leave a mark as a good crisis manager, he was the minister in the Lula government who showed competence in dealing with more complicated situations, this, in my point of view, is enhancing his candidacy for the Supreme Court.”
The Ministry of Justice and Public Security was contacted for the report, but did not respond until the publication of this text.

Experts agree that Dino missed the opportunity to put into practice the SUSP (Single Public Security System), a law approved in 2018 that is still struggling to be fully implemented. This legislation establishes a new public security management structure, in which the action plan must be developed in collaboration with states and municipalities.

This model is similar to what happens in the health area, in which the Ministry of Health, Conass (National Council of Health Secretaries) and Conasems (National Council of Municipal Health Secretaries) work together, with policies being first agreed between them before implementation.

“The set of actions presented by the ministry today does not change the reality of public security. We have not seen any effective action in this government to try to contain organized crime. We have more than 50 factions operating in the country, bringing terror to Fortaleza, acting in Bahia”, said José Vicente da Silva Filho, retired colonel from the São Paulo Military Police and member of the Council of the School of Multidimensional Security at USP.

“The expectation we had was that a well-designed plan during the Temer government (SUSP) would be taken advantage of. After the approval of the law, a plan was created, established by decree, with a set of initiatives programmed to deal with homicides, borders and organized crime”, he said.

According to public security secretaries of the states consulted privately by Folha, there has been an improvement in dialogue with the states, but discussions are not yet underway at a national level on policies that effectively resolve crucial issues in the sector at the grassroots level, including crime among young people.

Rafael Alcadipani, FGV professor in the area of ​​public security, shares the same perspective as José Vicente da Silva Filho. In his opinion, if the minister leaves office at this time, he will not be able to display a brand. One of the criticisms is the lack of effective coordination with states in combating organized crime.

“The Federal Police is very active, especially in the Amazon issue, which was not so prominent. However, the events of January 8, attacks on schools cannot be an excuse for neglecting the fight against organized crime,” he said.

In addition to the issues mentioned above, Dino’s management did not address sensitive topics, such as the restructuring of security forces’ careers.

A conclusive response to the Marielle Franco case has not yet been given and her management faced a crisis in the PRF (Federal Highway Police) after the death of the girl Heloisa dos Santos Silva, 3, shot during an approach by the corporation, linked to the Ministry of Justice.

As Folha showed, members of the PT have expressed criticism of the minister’s actions and are working to divide the portfolio, with the aim of recreating the Ministry of Public Security, even if Dino is not nominated for the Supreme Court.
Although the issue is handled with discretion within the ministry, an internal dispute over leadership of the department is already underway.

Among the names being considered to take over the Ministry of Justice and Public Security are the National Secretary of Justice, Augusto de Arruda Botelho, the executive secretary of the department, Ricardo Cappelli, and the National Consumer Secretary, Wadih Damous. Another mentioned is the coordinator of the Prerogatives Group, Marco Aurélio de Carvalho.

The post Flávio Dino Management has palliative actions and projects that have made little progress, experts say appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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