Fri. Sep 20th, 2024


Aécio Lúcio Costa Pereira was an exemplary and beloved employee in the professional environment, report colleagues who worked directly with him in recent years at Sabesp, the sanitation company in the state of São Paulo. A deep dive into a conspiratorial world led him to his current disgrace, these same companions assess.

The first person convicted in the trial for the attacks on the headquarters of the Three Powers on January 8, held at the STF (Supreme Federal Court) last week, was a technician in sanitation systems in the sewage operation sector of the Sabesp maintenance hub in Diadema, in Greater São Paulo. He mainly performed IT support services, but, according to colleagues, he was a kind of handyman in the office – he dispatched changes, set up sound equipment for company parties, etc.

He had been with the company for 29 years, joining through a competitive examination. According to Sabesp, there is no record of disciplinary proceedings against him. He was fired for cause on January 11, three days after the attacks.

Since arriving at the Diadema unit, around eight years ago, he has shown himself to be a right-wing guy, but his blind conversion to Bolsonarism in the last four years, especially in the 2022 election and in the post-election period, surprised and frightened his colleagues. desk.

“He was something in politics, a flat-earther, but at work he was an excellent guy, helpful, honest, a problem solver. From zero to ten, he was ten”, said Johny da Silva Soares Rodrigues, representative of Sintaema (Sindicato dos Workers in Water, Sewage and Environment of SP) at the Sabesp hub in Diadema.

According to colleagues, around three years ago, political discussions increased in tone, and the head of the sector asked that the topic be avoided in the office.

“We are antagonists in politics, we are trade unionists, totally against his ideas, but that didn’t interfere with the work. We got into an argument, but he didn’t do anything to harm others, he had nothing to discredit, he got his hands dirty, he was a cool guy”, said Celso Jesus Lopes, the Indian, who also worked in the office with Aécio.

“But he has gradually become radicalized over the last four years,” he reports.

The person who followed this process very closely was Valdimar Alves Florêncio, Minas Gerais. A professional from the same unit, he became one of Aécio’s best friends, to the point of moving to live in the same condominium as him, in the center of Diadema, at his colleague’s suggestion. They exchanged ideas, Aécio introduced Olavo de Carvalho (Bolsonaro guru) to Mineiro, and Mineiro became sub-manager of the condominium, of which Aécio was manager.

But Aécio’s radicalization caused them to break. “One time we were in the car, he was driving and trying to convince me that the Earth was flat, seriously. He was so excited that I had objected that he crashed the car”, recalls Mineiro.

“Another time, he sent me a message in the early hours of the morning saying that Hillary Clinton was a hologram. He believed in the thesis of reptilians (aliens that take over humans and take on their forms). I was living in a world of conspiratorial theses.”

Mineiro adds: “If I need to donate blood to him, I’ll donate, but I don’t want it around me. He’s a good-hearted guy, he seeks the common good, he’s helpful. But if you don’t share his ideas, you’ll be frowned upon; if wants to stop him from taking them forward, he becomes an extremist. For me, he’s a fool who used his knowledge in the wrong direction and became almost sick.”

The disagreements extended to condominium issues, because, according to Mineiro, Aécio just wanted to do things his way. The colleague, however, recognizes that his colleague improved the management of the place and relativizes residents’ complaints about the authoritarian abuses and intolerance of the former property manager, against which neighbors opened police reports. Some of these complainants, residents point out, have been delinquent for years or have their own BOs.

When Bolsonaro lost the election and his supporters gathered for weeks in front of the headquarters of the Southeast Military Command, in Ibirapuera, Aécio began to frequent the place with friends and family frequently and obsessively. He spent the night at camp and was dejected.

Aécio Pereira was sentenced to 17 years in prison and a 100-day fine (each worth 1/3 of the minimum wage) for the crimes of armed criminal association, violent abolition of the democratic rule of law, attempted coup d’état, damage qualified by violence and serious threat with a flammable substance against the Union’s property and deterioration of listed property.

One of the leaders of a bus leaving São Paulo, Aécio concentrated in Brasília at the coup plotters’ camp in front of the Army headquarters and from there marched to invade Congress. In videos published on social networks, he appeared to encourage institutional disruption.

In one of them, from a microphone on the Senate president’s table, he called out: “I, as a representative of the people, am here to say that I do not accept this fraudulent government (…) People, take to the streets, corroborate (sic) us, get out in the barracks, get out now, stay on the streets and ask for SOS Forças Armadas”.

The vote of the rapporteur, Alexandre de Moraes, was followed in full by ministers Edson Fachin, Luiz Fux, Dias Toffoli and Gilmar Mendes and by ministers Rosa Weber and Cármen Lúcia. Other sentences were suggested: Cristiano Zanin (15 years), Luís Roberto Barroso (11 years and 6 months), André Mendonça (7 years and 11 months) and Kassio Nunes Marques (2 years and 6 months).

Sabesp’s colleagues were not heard as a witness by lawyer Sebastião Coelho, whose support in the trial drew attention for stating that STF ministers are “the most hated in the country”, which immediately transformed him into a kind of Bolsonaro idol — Aécio I would certainly applaud. When contacted, Coelho did not answer the calls or respond to the report’s messages.

Among the employees who worked with Aécio interviewed by Folha, there is a unanimous opinion that the STF exaggerated the penalty for his colleague. “He was caught as a scapegoat. They shouted ‘let’s go’ and everyone was arrested, but whoever shouted was not arrested,” says Johny. Mineiro adds: “If I could scream something during that trial, I would scream: ‘You are trying a crazy person’. I think there needs to be punishment, but it would be fairer to have two years in prison.”

They were also surprised that Aécio was the first to be tried, when there were other defendants who vandalized public buildings — which, they claim, he would not have done. According to the STF, Aécio and the other two defendants convicted last week were those whose criminal actions first had their investigation completed — that is, the process of collecting statements from defense witnesses, prosecution, presentation of evidence, interrogation of the defendant and allegations finals was faster.

Aécio, aged 51, is married and has two children, one aged 17 and the other aged 8. His wife, Lucineia, told the reporter that he “is a wonderful father, very fun and funny, a great son and brother and an excellent husband.”

They met 22 years ago and got married in 2005. “Always loving, a huge heart.” Lucineia naturally adds to the chorus that her husband was wronged. She says that he didn’t break anything and that he wasn’t armed, and that a video in which he, from the Senate floor, asks for moderation, was not considered in the process. “He is not violent. He is a man of God, an honest person.”

The post First convict on 8/1 surprised colleagues with radicalization and flat-earthism appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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