Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

This Thursday (21), Ordinances No. 385 and No. 386, both dated September 20, 2023, were published in the Official Gazette of the Federal District (DODF). additional financial support from the Union intended to comply with the national salary minimum for nurses, nursing technicians and assistants and midwives for the months of May, June, July and August.

“In practice, Ordinance No. 385 regulates internally, within the scope of the Health Secretariat (SES-DF, manager of the Unified Health System – SUS – in DF), the rules, deadlines, obligations, necessary documentation and submission of paperwork from institutions validated by the Ministry of Health (MS) that they are entitled to receive assistance”, explains the Deputy Secretary of Health Management (SAG), Gláucia Silveira.


SES-DF will transfer resources to private non-profit entities and those that participate in a complementary way to the DF SUS and serve at least 60% of its patients through the system, up to the limit of the Complementary Financial Assistance transferred by the União, according to the records of establishments validated by the MS and the SUS Investment System (InvestSUS).

“This is a supplementary subsidy, that is, a cost aid from the federal government until all states, municipalities and DF are able to reach the salary minimum value for nursing on their own”, says Silveira.

The department is also responsible for transferring the amounts to contracted private entities that are entitled. The resource must be used to pay the additional amount to the minimum wage for nursing professionals.

Ordinance No. 386 makes public the values ​​for the months of May, June, July and August, transferred by the Union to the Institute of Strategic Health Management of the Federal District (Iges-DF), an institution contracted by SES-DF and responsible for management of the Hospital de Base, Hospital Regional de Santa Maria and 13 emergency care units. The supplementary amount transferred by the Union was R$222,302.65 per month. The secretariat will transfer the amount to Iges-DF by September 23rd.

“The transfers of the minimum wage supplement are a subsidy and go through the CPF of each nursing professional who is entitled to it. At first, only Iges-DF received the amount. An average of 2,500 nursing professionals are on this list”, informs the deputy secretary.

As there was a change in Ordinance No. 1,135, of August 16, 2023, of the MS, with the expansion of institutions that will be entitled to complementary financial assistance, SES-DF has already drawn up a relationship with all institutions that complement the SUS network in the DF, brought them together in a new scope and sent the list to the MS, requesting transfers from May this year.

According to Silveira, the federal government is the one who selects and analyzes the institutions that will receive the subsidy, through the MS. “We are waiting for the results and the transfers to send to the institutions. We request the amounts for up to September.”

It is worth noting that the additional financial assistance transferred by the Union does not imply an automatic increase in other installments or remuneration advantages and will not be incorporated into the basic salaries or remunerations of the professionals covered.

National nursing floor

Law No. 14,434/2022, amends Law No. 7,498, of June 25, 1986, and establishes the national salary floor for nurses, nursing technicians, nursing assistants and midwives in the amount of R$ 4,750.00 for CLT holders and civil servants from the Union, states, DF and municipalities, agencies and foundations.

The minimum value is the same, regardless of the demographic, geographic, epidemiological and socioeconomic situation and the nature of the health services. There are 70% for the nursing technician and 50% for the nursing assistant and the midwife.

The post Federal District begins to receive additional financial assistance from the Union appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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