Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) ordered the recall of eight batches of coffee after the presence of foreign bodies and impurities was found.

The lots collected were: FAB08DEZ22 from Fazenda Mineira; 046/23/3D from Jardim; 59 from Lumberjack Extra Strong; 59 from Traditional Lumberjack; 58 from Balaio; 02 and 05 of Bico de Ouro; and 04 of Bico de Ouro 100% Puro Robusta.

According to the Plant Quality Inspection coordinator, Tiago Dokonal, coffee processing residues were roasted as if they were legitimate beans.

“In these products, it was detected that the coffee beans were replaced by raw material containing excess husks and coffee sticks, in order to increase the volume and deceive the consumer”, informs a note from the ministry.

Since January, the department began to monitor roasted and ground coffee in the country, following the entry into force of Ordinance No. 570, which establishes the classification standard for roasted coffee.

In July 2023, a task force seized fraudulent products in Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Goiás and the Federal District. At the time, inspectors identified more than 26 brands with suspected irregularities. According to Mapa, some of these brands are in the analysis contestation phase. The information is from Agência Brasília.

The post Eight lots of coffee are seized with the presence of impurities appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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