Sun. Sep 29th, 2024


The production of chicken eggs continued to grow in Brazil and reached a new record in 2022. Meanwhile, cow’s milk production fell to the lowest level in four years.

This is what data from the PPM (Municipal Livestock Survey), released this Thursday (21) by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), indicates.

According to the survey, the country produced 4.9 billion dozens of chicken eggs in 2022, the highest level in the historical series started in 1974. The growth was 1.3% compared to 2021 (4.8 billion dozens).

Traditionally, eggs are considered a meat substitute as they offer more affordable prices. This factor, according to IBGE, helps explain the growth in production in 2022.

Meat prices have soared in recent years, but will show a decline in the country in 2023 – a period not yet analyzed by PPM. Economists say that the recent relief is due to the increase in the supply of goods on the domestic market.

According to IBGE, another incentive to increase egg production in 2022 came from poultry farming. In other words, with the demand for chicken meat on the rise, there was also a need for eggs to generate new animals.

“We had an increase in the slaughter and export of chickens. To meet this demand, we need to have more eggs. It is a stimulus (to production)”, says Mariana Oliveira, PPM supervisor.

“In 2022, Brazilians’ purchasing power was affected. The price of meat was high. The egg plays the role of an affordable protein”, he adds.

The Southeast leads the production of chicken eggs in the country. In 2022, the region accounted for 39.9% of the total, equivalent to 1.95 billion dozens.

The most prominent municipality is Santa Maria de Jetibá (85 km from Vitória). The city of Espírito Santo counted 318.6 million dozens.


Cow’s milk production in Brazil fell by 1.6% in 2022, according to PPM. Activity totaled 34.6 billion liters, the lowest level since 2018 (33.9 billion) – that is, in four years.

With reduced supply, the average price for producers rose to R$2.31 per liter in 2022, the highest level in the series. The increase was 19.7% compared to 2021, says IBGE.

According to the institute, the cost of inputs has discouraged producers in recent years, especially smaller ones. Therefore, part of this group may have abandoned the activity in search of more profitable options, such as grain production.

“This drop in production can be interpreted as a disincentive,” said Oliveira.

The South remained the leader of the activity. The region produced 11.7 billion liters of milk in 2022 (or 33.8% of the total).

Among the municipalities, the main highlight remained Castro (160 km from Curitiba). Production in the municipality of Paraná was 426.6 million liters last year (or 1.2% of the total).


Another item analyzed in the PPM is honey. In 2022, production increased by 9.5%, reaching a record of 61 thousand tons.

According to IBGE, the growth is related to climatic conditions that provided “greater availability of food resources for bees”.

“The growing demand for natural and healthy products, nationally and internationally, has also boosted beekeeping production”, adds the institute.

In the case of honey, the Northeast is the region that leads the ranking. In 2022, local production was 23.6 thousand tons (38.7% of the total).

Among the municipalities, the highlight is Arapoti (251 km from Curitiba). The city of Paraná recorded 991.7 tons of honey.


In addition to cow’s milk, chicken eggs and honey, mentioned above, quail eggs, silkworm cocoons and wool are also on the list of main livestock products analyzed in the PPM.

In 2022, the sum of the production value of these goods was R$107.6 billion, an increase of 17.9% compared to the previous year.

The main contribution came from milk: R$80 billion or 74.4% of the total. Chicken eggs (R$26.1 billion or 24.2%) and honey (R$957.8 million or 0.9%) came next.

The IBGE survey also provides data on fish production. In 2022, activity reached 617.3 thousand tons in the country, the highest level in a historical series that began in 2013. The increase compared to 2021 was 6%.

Tilapia is the main species.

The post Egg production breaks new record, and milk drops to lowest level in four years appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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