Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Brasília Jury Court acquitted Fernanda Gabriela de Jesus Souza for the crime of attempted murder against Durval Barbosa, the defendant’s partner at the time. The incident occurred in the couple’s apartment, at 114 Sul, on September 19, 2022. The judge imposed to the accusedoutpatient treatment safety measure,for a minimum period of two years.

According to the Judge, the act committed by the defendant is comparable to the crime of attempted murder, punishable by imprisonment. However, in the Psychiatric Examination Report, the experts concluded that at the time of the events the The defendant’s capacity for understanding and self-determination was abolished.

It was recorded in the report that the accused had symptoms compatible with the diagnosis of non-organic psychosis, characterized by delusions, hallucinations, thought and movement disorders, among other symptoms.

The judge stated that, in fact, the evidence indicates the alleged criminal responsibility of the accused. However, the case is one of summary acquittal, under the terms of art. 415, IV of the Criminal Procedure Code (CPP). “This is, evidently, a hypothesis of non-imputability, which constitutes grounds for exemption from penalty, under the terms of art. 26, caput, of the Penal Code”, stated the Judge. This is also the understanding of the MPDFT and the defendant’s defense.

Thus, the judge summarily acquitted the accused and imposed on heroutpatient treatment safety measurefor a minimum period of two years, as well as revoking the precautionary measures imposed on the defendant when provisional release was granted.

The post Durval Barbosa’s ex-partner is acquitted of attempted murder appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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