Sun. Sep 29th, 2024

On Sunday (24/9), Duna Duo, formed by musicians Adriano Rocha and Kaise Helena, will perform at the Parque dos Jequitibás amphitheater, in Sobradinho, at 10am. The event is part of the Duna Duo Project and has already passed through the Elementary Education Center 08 (CEF 08), in Sobradinho II, and the Secondary Education Center 01 (CEM 01), in Planaltina.

The Duo will be accompanied by musicians Deth Santos (drums), José Cabreira (keyboard) and Domingos Júnior (bass). Entry is free, but non-perishable food will be collected for the Lar dos Velhinhos Bezerra de Menezes, in Sobradinho.

The project is carried out by the Federal District Culture Support Fund (FAC-DF) and the DF Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy.

Duna Duo

The duo emerged in 2019, when musician Adriano Rocha invited his friend Kaise Helena to work together. Adriano has been a musician since he was 15 and Kaise comes from theater and puppetry. Last year, Duna Duo released their first album, ‘Leve’, with lyrics and music by Adriano Rocha, available on digital platforms. This month, also through the Duna Duo project (FAC-DF), the album’s vinyl arrives.

The post Duna Duo performs at Parque dos Jequitibás, in Sobradinho appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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