Sat. Sep 21st, 2024


The director general of the Federal Police, Andrei Rodrigues, received the first information that the Bolsonarist protests scheduled for January 8th posed a risk of acts of violence shortly after taking office, on January 2nd.

Just on the eve of the depredation at the headquarters of the three Powers, however, Rodrigues informed the Security Secretariat of the Federal District that the corporation’s intelligence area had identified the possibility of the demonstration trying to invade public buildings and prevent the institutions from functioning.

The reports are in Rodrigues’ testimony, obtained by the report, in the administrative disciplinary procedure underway at the PF that investigates the role of Anderson Torres, former Minister of Justice under Jair Bolsonaro (PL), in the episode.

The communication to the district government took place in a face-to-face meeting and was later formalized in a letter, on January 7, the same date that the then Secretary of Security, Anderson Torres, traveled to the United States. He did not participate in the meeting.

Rodrigues stated in his testimony that he did not send any report with details of the identified risks and that he only made verbal communication at the meeting.

At the beginning of the testimony, as a witness, the head of the PF confirmed that he had received information, between the 2nd and 5th of January, about the danger that the demonstrations scheduled for the 8th of that month represented.

“I found out through open sources, I think that all the movement that was going on at that period was recurring on social media, and also through daily dialogues and dispatches with our internal intelligence area”, he said.

The director general stated that he requested the meeting on January 7th with the Security Secretariat to “understand what was being planned and organized and raise concerns due to all the events that were notably going to happen and did happen.”

“I became aware, I reiterate here, from our intelligence, where on more than one occasion it was alerted, (that) the movement was notably with this violence bias, of ‘let’s take power’ I think was an expression often used in that period —, where on social media it was well known and one could easily identify that there was a violent movement being planned for the 8th as it happened”, he said.

The meeting, according to him, was with the then number two in the district ministry, Fernando Oliveira. “Our request was to take this concern to the Security Secretariat, since there were previous meetings in which the Federal Police had not been called. So, I organized this meeting to also raise our concerns regarding this event.”

Rodrigues said he got the impression that members of the secretariat had “different perceptions” than the PF about the seriousness of the demonstration scheduled for the following day.

According to him, the PF intelligence and himself were “very clear that the mobilization for the protest was extremely serious” and that it did not “appear to be the understanding of the secretariat representatives”.

On the same day of the meeting, Rodrigues sent to his superior, minister Flávio Dino, a letter with the information collected by the corporation’s intelligence.

“Stressing here that already at that moment, when I insistently brought this warning, it was at least said there, ‘no, in fact we are going to have greater concerns, something along those lines, but the concern that there would be formalization and he would then take it to the governor this concern,” he said.

The PF director stated, however, that he had not presented a more detailed report to the security secretariat on the day of the meeting, but that he had received “daily dispatches with the intelligence area from the very beginning” and that the issue of January 8th was dealt with “in daily verbal dispatches”. “I have not received formal written documentation regarding this.”

“I did not present any documents. I was accompanied by what is now the substitute director of intelligence, Doctor Thiago Severo, but I did not deliver any documents at that meeting, I only verbalized what intelligence had commented to me and which was well known, open sources, of what was to come,” he said.

Regarding the absence of the then Secretary of Security, Anderson Torres, Rodrigues said he did not remember how he found out that he was outside Brazil.

It was Rodrigues himself who was responsible for the request for the arrest of Bolsonaro’s former Minister of Justice and former Secretary of Security of the Federal District, which was later granted by Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the STF (Supreme Federal Court).

The request was made based on a report by Thiago Severo himself, who accompanies him at the meeting at the DF Security secretariat and raises the possibility of omission on the part of local authorities “in view of the information that warned of upcoming events”.

Folha asked Rodrigues what was done between the 2nd and 7th, after the first reports about the danger that was approaching, and why the PF only requested a meeting with the secretariat on the eve of the demonstration. He also asked whether any communication had been made about this risk to Congress and the STF, but received no response regarding this specific point.

The PF advisor said that the corporation “does not have public order policing in its role” and that this function belongs to the DF Military Police.

“Between the 2nd and 7th, the PF awaited information from the SSP-DF about the planned actions, as usual. As it did not receive it, the meeting on 7/1 was requested to learn about the security planning,” he said.

The PF also stated that “it is worth remembering that the preparations for the violent actions on 1/8 were already known to society, including due to widespread dissemination on social networks and open sources, which are monitored by intelligence units from law enforcement agencies. public security”.

The post Director of the PF says that intelligence saw a risk days before 8/1, but only activated the DF the day before appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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