Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

A trio of students from the Urso Branco High School Center (CEM), Núcleo Bandeirante, will represent public schools in the Federal District in the national phase of the 8th Brazilian Geography Olympiad (OBG) in 2023. The second year high school students , Maria Eduarda Macedo, 17 years old, Helena Massae, 16, and Ana Beatriz Ferreira Guerra, 17, won first place in the state stage, held online in August.

The stage was contested in four phases with qualifying tests on general geography, physics, politics and current affairs. The team achieved an exemplary score in the evaluation and was classified for the national stage that takes place in November in the city of Campinas (SP).

“We are happy, excited, we celebrate a lot. After all, they were days of great dedication, with the formation of a study group on WhatsApp. Our teacher brought previous exams from the Olympiad so that we could become better familiar with the assessment and in the end everything went well, we passed”, remembers Ana Beatriz.

Made up of online state phases, a national phase and an in-person international phase, OBG is designed for students regularly enrolled in public or private schools in Brazil. Teams are made up of three students and a mentor teacher.

Team members receive a certificate of participation and gold, silver and bronze medals, according to each group’s classification in the competitions. In the case of the CEM Urso Branco team, the award was the best possible: gold for the three competitors, who claim to be in the competitionThe apocalyptic.

“We were very happy with the gold medal. But this only happened because we dedicated ourselves. Our teacher was also very important in that first moment. She gave us study materials and activities to prepare for the exams. In addition to all the guidance, she helped us feel more confident when answering the questions”, explains Helena.

For Maria Eduarda, despite all her dedication, qualifying for the national stage occurred unexpectedly. “As there are many students from public and private schools, we felt that we weren’t going to pass, I myself didn’t imagine that we could reach the national stage. Despite this, we never stopped studying and dedicated ourselves as much as possible. The biggest surprise was that we qualified, I’m very happy,” she says.

The geography teacher and team advisor, Ilka Hostensky, talks about the importance of the project for public education in the Federal District: “I am very happy to see these girls representing our school. This project aims to bring visibility to public education, which can carry out quality work and train excellent students.” “It is a work that comes to show that the Federal District has qualified teachers and qualified students, I am very flattered”, she says.


Launched in 2015, OBG aims to value science at school through knowledge, new experiences and encouraging skills in analyzing geographic phenomena. At the end of the evaluations, the scores are not released to the general public, but medals are distributed at state level, according to the teams’ best performances.

The national phase takes place from November 27th to December 1st, at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp). During the face-to-face phase, in addition to the tests, participants carry out activities in the field. The international phase of the Olympics will be in 2024.

With information from Agência Brasília

The post DF students win gold at the Brazilian Geography Olympiad appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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