Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Between September 10th and 16th, the Federal District registered 1,060 new cases of covid-19, according to the new weekly epidemiological bulletin from the Department of Health (SES-DF). Two more deaths were identified, on February 9 and September 3, 2023, one patient aged 60 to 69 and the other over 80, both with comorbidities.

A new genomic sequencing carried out by the Central Public Health Laboratory of the Federal District (Lacen-DF) on samples collected in eight different administrative regions did not detect new cases of the EG.5.1 subvariant, internationally nicknamed Éris. Therefore, according to SES-DF, the capital continues to have only a single case of this subvariant so far, confirmed in August.

Around 82% of the population has already received at least one dose of the vaccine and 78.8% have completed the two-dose vaccination schedule | Photos: Disclosure/Agência Saúde-DF

Damned cases

The Undersecretary of Health Surveillance at the Department of Health, Divino Valero, highlights that the weekly bulletin records 1,477 new cases, however, 417 refer to the previous week, due to the delay in notification from private laboratories on a long holiday. “These are backlogged cases from the previous two weeks that had not yet been reported,” he explains.

Thus, the so-called R

“It is good to emphasize the importance of booster vaccination as a preventive measure, in addition to the population remaining aware of respiratory etiquette if they experience any flu-like symptoms. The majority of cases being reported are patients with milder symptoms”, advises the undersecretary.

Between September 10th and 16th, the Federal District registered 1,060 new cases of covid-19, according to the new weekly epidemiological bulletin from the Department of Health | Photo: Disclosure/Agência Saúde-DF

Eleven thousand doses in one week

Between the 12th and 18th of September, 11,329 doses of vaccines against Covid-19 were applied in the DF, between the first and second doses, in addition to the booster dose, including the children’s and bivalent versions.

The result is the result of services at around 100 vaccination sites and actions carried out in schools, supermarkets, shopping malls and other high-traffic spaces, in addition to the Vaccine Car. Since the start of the immunization campaign, in January 2021, SES-DF teams have administered 7,849,494 doses.

Around 82% of the population has already received at least one dose of the vaccine and 78.8% have completed the two-dose vaccination schedule. However, the rates are lower in terms of booster doses: around half of the population (48.6%) did not receive even a booster dose. Among those up to 19 years of age, around 59.6% did not return. Among children aged 5 to 11, the rate jumps to 83.5%.

*With information from Agência Brasília

The post DF records a rise in Covid-19 cases, but rules out the Éris subvariant appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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