Sat. Sep 21st, 2024


The Government of the Federal District filed a series of actions with the STF (Federal Supreme Court) to charge foreign embassies for payment of debts for taxes such as IPTU (Tax on Urban Property and Territorial Property), TLP (Public Cleaning Fee) and others.

Missions from Saudi Arabia, Guinea, Mozambique, Nigeria, Nicaragua and Pakistan were activated. The DF has already lost part of the shares. The ministers state that foreign states have immunity from enforcement proceedings.

When contacted, the DF Finance Secretariat informed in a note that it acts “in strict compliance with legal dictates”.

It also states that foreigners must request the benefit of immunity from the Secretariat, with a document that recognizes reciprocity in the tax treatment of the two countries, but that this immunity “is granted only in relation to taxes, and not in relation to fees”

“The tax generally has as its triggering event the use of a public service provided to the taxpayer, such as, for example, urban garbage collection, for which every citizen who owns a property pays the Public Cleaning Tax – TLP”, he argues.

The secretariat says that it is in conflict with the Supreme Court’s jurisprudence, which considers the immunity of a foreign country in enforcement proceedings to be absolute, but states that it has the duty to assess and collect the tax “in cases of non-fulfillment of the requirements for recognition of immunity” and also to charge fees.

The post DF goes to the Supreme Court to charge IPTU and embassy cleaning fees appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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