Sun. Sep 29th, 2024

Consumers in the Federal District want to stop getting into debt. This is what the survey carried out by Serasa indicates to understand the behavior and relationship with money between the states of Brazil. According to the data collected, the Brasilian’s main objective with organizing his finances is not to get into debt. The capital was the one that had the greatest expressiveness in this purpose in relation to the 26 other states in the country, corresponding to 51% of those interviewed in the DF.

The DF is the third unit of the federation with the highest percentage of defaulters in the country, that is, those who have late debts, such as credit card bills. Data from the latest Serasa Default Map survey, in July, indicates that the capital had 52.24% of the population in this situation, behind only the states of Rio de Janeiro (53.11%) and Amapá (52.34%) .

As part of the movement to avoid unnecessary expenses and monitor finances, in order to guarantee the durability of money throughout the month, 57% of Brasilia residents searched for content about personal finances on social networks, ranking fifth among the states that do this the most. monitoring with digital influencers, together with Mato Grosso and Roraima, which obtained the same percentage.

Also as a way of improving financial control, 33% of those interviewed in DF have already taken financial education courses – two percentage points above the national average, similarly to Sergipe. The survey shows that 6 in 10 people from Brasilia usually control their finances on a monthly basis, but, on a daily basis, 23% say they spent more than they intended in the last month of July, 14% canceled commitments because they were unable to spend, and 13% They regretted having made any impulse spending.

Despite this, consumer sentiment in DF is positive. Around 54% of respondents stated that they are optimistic about controlling their money in recent years. In addition to these, 46% say they are confident that they will be able to resolve their financial issues and around 43% are still concerned about the future. The population, in general, is less fearful about managing money than in recent years.

PIX and credit

In DF, PIX is the most recurring payment method. The survey indicates that 70% of respondents use instant transfer as their main means of financial transactions. The credit card appears in second place, with 50% of the population, and in third place is the debit card, with 40%.

Purchasing in installments, on the other hand, is still common in the capital. This payment in installments is mostly carried out using third-party credit cards (38%), while bank slips and installment payments in specific stores correspond to the second most popular methods for dividing debts in the months following purchases (25% and 20%, respectively).

The search for credit has already been sought by 77% of consumers in Brasilia, with around 51% of those interviewed looking for this option for at least 12 months. The main purposes for using credit are to pay off debts (38%), followed by clearing one’s name (20%), and to pay unexpected expenses (19%).

The post DF consumers have sought to control finances appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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