Sat. Sep 28th, 2024

The cover story of Veja magazine, which began circulating this Friday (22), makes a serious accusation against deputy Felipe Carreras (PSB-PE), rapporteur for the Sports Betting CPI.

According to the magazine, in a report written by journalist Daniel Pereira, the president of the National Association of Games and Lotteries, Wesley Cardia, was approached by the Pernambuco parliamentarian who allegedly asked him for R$35 million, in exchange for “help and protection”. The supposed attack, according to the report, would have happened in the middle of the Green Room of the Chamber.

“At the end of August – says Veja – the Minister of Finance, Fernando Haddad, was alerted by a special advisor from his team that a federal deputy from the government base had asked for R$35 million from an association that brings together betting companies, in exchange for two considerations: defending their interests in regulating the sector and not turning the lives of their members into hell at the Sports Betting CPI, installed in the Chamber of Deputies. As the regularization of companies and a republican environment are essential for the government to be able to collect taxes, the minister asked a select group of parliamentarians to redouble their attention to the work of the CPI, in order to avoid undue pressure or harm to the so-called bets, which could keep them away from the Brazilian market.”

Other side

Representative Felipe Carreras, accused of charging bribes, is leader of the PSB, party of vice-president Geraldo Alckmin. To Veja magazine, he admitted to having met with Wesley Cardia, but assured that he “never” — a term he repeated three times in a row — asked any of them or any of the entities’ associates for a bribe. “It’s a great injustice to me”, defended the parliamentarian.

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The post Deputy asked for R$35 million to protect the interests of bookmakers in CPI, says magazine appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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