Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

“It’s difficult for all families. It’s difficult from the moment you leave the house with a chair that size. It’s all very challenging.” And even so, before 7 am, Simone Aparecida Reis, 49 years old, was already accompanying her son to the Surgical Center of the Taguatinga Regional Hospital (HRT). She is the mother of Gabriel Reis, 25 years old, who has had cerebral palsy since birth.

Despite the private home care service, it is at the HRT Dental Specialties Center (CEO) that Gabriel has been undergoing dental care since he was 13 years old, after being referred by the Basic Health Unit (UBS) 1 of Vicente Pires. “In the private network, we don’t find professionals to provide this specialized monitoring”, says Simone.

For the extraction of four wisdom teeth, scaling and prophylaxis to be carried out in Gabriel this month, outpatient care at the dental office was not enough, it was necessary to use general anesthesia in the HRT surgical center. “This type of care is extremely important, considering the complexity of the patient. With anesthesia, we were able to carry out all the necessary procedures in a single session, which brings more comfort to him”, mentions the dental surgeon and specialist in caring for people with disabilities, Andréia Aquino.

When necessary, the Department of Health (SES-DF) provides a room in the surgical center so that this type of procedure can be carried out, which, in order to occur, requires the coordination of a team composed of at least ten professionals, including nurses, anesthetists, dentists, oral health technicians and nursing technicians.

The CEO of HRT offers care to people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), cerebral palsy, down syndrome, intellectual and multiple disabilities, Alzheimer’s and rare syndromes. The demand for assistance under general anesthesia will depend on the patient’s condition as well as the complexity of the dental needs.

Service network

The assistance provided to Gabriel is an example that care for Persons with Disabilities (PwD), in addition to being focused on health demands, also needs to meet the specific needs of the disability.

SES-DF provides a Care Network for PcD (RCPCD), which organizes assistance at three levels of care, that is, in UBSs, outpatient clinics and hospitals. Among the services offered are the Specialized Rehabilitation Centers (CER), present in Taguatinga, at the Brasília Support Hospital (HAB) and at the Ludovico Pavoni Hearing and Language Educational Center (Ceal), and the CEOs; orthopedic workshops; and functional health and ostomy outpatient clinics. The service is also offered at the Interdisciplinary Reference Center for Down Syndrome (CrisDown); in hospital health units with rehabilitation and long-term care beds; in home care; and in urgencies and emergencies.

To guarantee comprehensive and continuous care, SES-DF assistance works in an articulated manner, as highlighted by the manager of Functional Health Services (GESSF) and coordinator of the RCPCD steering group, Camila Medeiros. “We have actions to organize services in this network. What the secretariat seeks is to expand access and the number of services offered, qualify professionals, improve care and raise awareness among teams so that they know that the management of these patients must identify their needs along with their disability”, she explains.

What to do?

The first step to be taken, in case of suspicion or diagnosis of a deficiency, is to look for the reference UBS. The unit will provide the necessary assistance and referrals.

Furthermore, with a view to early diagnosis of any disability, heel, eye, ear and heart tests are carried out in the network’s maternity wards (neonatal screening).

People with chronic illnesses, such as vascular diseases, diabetes and hypertension, should also be careful. “The population with these diseases needs to be monitored and treated, as cases of these types can trigger a disability”, argues the manager.

Other information and services about the SES-DF Care Network for People with Disabilities here.

The post Department of Health provides a care network for People with Disabilities appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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