Mon. Sep 23rd, 2024


The number of defaulters in Brazil increased in August 2023, reaching 66.80 million Brazilians. The brand had two consecutive months of decline.

Four out of every ten adult Brazilians were negative in August this year, with a 7.17% increase in the volume of consumers with late bills compared to the same period in 2022, indicates the CNDL (National Confederation of Store Managers) and SPC Brasil ( Credit Protection Service).

In August 2023, the number of outstanding debts in Brazil grew by 14.75% compared to the same period in 2022. From July to August, the number of debts increased by 2.19%.

The number of debtors with the most significant participation in August is in the age group of 30 to 39 years old (23.74%), shows the indicator. There are 16.57 million people registered in the debtors’ register in this group, that is, 48.59% of Brazilians in this age group are negative, with women representing 51.10% of this group and men representing 48.90%.

Each negative debt owes, on average, R$4,108.89, with the majority of debts being owed to banks, representing 63.16% of the total. Next comes Water and Light (12.20%), the Commerce sector with 11.33% and Others, with 6.75% of total debt.

The data also shows that around three in every ten consumers, representing 31.11%, had debts worth up to R$500, a percentage that reaches 45.25% when the debts are up to R$1,000.

“Despite the small increase that occurred in August, which mainly refers to debts overdue for 1 to 3 years, the trend should be for a decline in defaulters in the coming months, since the entire macroeconomic scenario corroborates this direction. The effects of variations of Selic take between three and six months to be felt in the credit market, the country is already experiencing a moment of lower inflation, improvements in the job market, income and consumer confidence”, said José César da Costa, president of CNDL.

The post Default affects 66.8 million Brazilian consumers, points out SPC appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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