Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

Known as the “minister influencer” due to his activity on social media, the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flávio Dino (PSB), was the one who gained the most new followers on Twitter since President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) announced the composition of its government. However, while focusing on greater prominence on the internet, Dino is criticized for the lack of a more robust project in the area of ​​public security.

When he was announced minister by Lula on December 9, Dino, who was already known nationally for being governor of Maranhão for two terms between 2014 and 2022, had 818,597 followers on platform X, the former Twitter. This Monday, the minister’s profile had 1,168,765. The growth was of more than 350 thousand new people following its network, the largest in the entire Esplanada. Percentage-wise, growth was 42.78% in ten months.

In comparison, the second minister who gained the most followers was Marina Silva, with 206 thousand new people following her profile since she was announced to head the Environment department. In total, Dino is the fourth with the most connected users, behind only the head of the Treasury, Fernando Haddad, Marina and the vice-president and minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, Geraldo Alckmin.

On the network, Dino regularly uses a “sealing” stance to talk about the most varied political issues that are, or are not, within the scope of Justice and Public Security. One of his most frequent appearances on Twitter occurs when there is an update on cases that threaten the legal situation of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL). On the 9th, the head of the Justice department used his profile to congratulate the Federal Police (PF) for acting in the plea bargain of Bolsonaro’s former aide-de-camp, lieutenant colonel Mauro Cid.

One of the minister’s most viral posts in these first months of office was a “meme” about a discussion he had with senator Marcos do Val (Podemos-ES). After Do Val accused him of omitting the coup acts of January 8th and defended his removal from office. Dino replied: “If you’re from Swat, I’m from the Avengers. Do you know them? Captain America, Spider-Man?”

The reference to Swat, a highly specialized police group in the United States, is due to the fact that the senator repeated several times that he promoted training for agents of the group, as well as members of NASA, FBI, Navy Seals, among others. On May 10, Dino published an image on his profile in which his face replaced that of the characters “The Incredible Hulk” and “Iron Man”, and wrote: “I confess that I liked it. Childhood dreams never die” .

Ministry dismisses ‘strategy’ and says posts are made by the minister

To Estadão, the Ministry of Justice said that the criticisms that Dino receives about a lack of robust projects are “respectable”, but are not “supported by facts”.

“The Ministry of Justice and Public Security has dozens of programs and concrete actions in the area of ​​security, such as: PAS, PRONASCI, R$ 213 million in deliveries of vehicles and equipment to the States, transfers of R$ 1.3 billion to States and municipalities, removal of the weapons policy of the past, implementation of a policy to combat crime in the Amazon (AMAS), expansion of special groups of the Federal Police to combat organized crime, and structuring of new integrated public security operations with the States”, stated the folder.

The ministry also stated that the posts made on Dino’s profile were made by the minister himself, and that there is no “strategy” formulated by the government’s communications team.

“Regarding the minister’s social networks, we inform you that since 2009 he has personally taken care of the posts, taking a few minutes a day to make them. As for gaining followers, this has been happening since 2009 and derives from personal characteristics and public positions, not from supposed “strategies “, said the Ministry of Justice.

PT members demand results outside the networks

Despite his results on social media, Dino has been losing prestige among PT allies, who are concerned about the lack of results in the area of ​​public security. As revealed by Coluna do Estadão, Lula intends to solve this “fried situation” with a nomination from the minister to the Federal Supreme Court (STF), in the vacancy that will be left by minister Rosa Weber

Member of the Brazilian Public Security Forum, Rafael Alcadipani, told the ‘Estadão Notícias’ podcast that the Lula government presents “a scenario of complete starvation” in these nine months of management. “We don’t see effective measures being taken by the federal government in public security. It’s a government that doesn’t have even a minimal articulation of efforts.

“Minister Flávio Dino lacks a lot of sobriety. He often looks like the extreme right, he wants to seal things off, but he needs to be able to solve problems. His position in the Ministry of Justice, and in Public Security departments, is not about playing politics, it’s about to try to solve problems”, added Alcadipani.

According to Coluna, Lula was warned that the government had lost the public security debate. The president is also aware that the PT blames part of the blame on Dino, who has his position threatened. PT members complain that, in nine months of management, the government does not have any robust projects in the sector and demand control of the department.

Internet debates can simplify discussions

According to João Guilherme Bastos, communication and politics researcher and director of Analysis of the Democracia em Xeque project, the communication strategy used by Dino is part of a dispute of narratives that takes place within social networks. The presence of the minister to oppose opposition politicians who use the internet to spread their opinions would be a way for the government to “discuss as equals” in the virtual scenario.

The researcher considers that Dino’s strategies could prove profitable for his political profile and for boosting the Ministry of Justice’s initiatives. However, Bastos warns that the discussion of complex issues that need to be discussed ends up being simplified by analogies that are used as resources in exchange for engagement in networks.

“Both sides are trying to come up with very simple solutions to solve problems. This communicative resource, even though it is extremely effective in terms of mobilization, in some issues that are very complex they can lose their scope. No one expects that in an argumentative and communicative dispute, where two people are competing for an audience, someone will go into the technical intricacies of a law”, explains the researcher.

Estadão Content

The post Criticized, Flávio Dino focuses on the networks and is the minister who gained the most followers appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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