Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

Criminal police officer Marcus Yuri Araújo, 33 years old, won first place in the Special Tactical Actions Group (Gate) course of the São Paulo Military Police. Working at the Penitentiary Directorate of Special Operations (DPOE), of the Penitentiary Administration Secretariat (Seape), he is the second professional from Brasília to complete the training and the first from the DF to be at the top of the ranking.

The Gate course is a global reference in hostage rescue and negotiation. The high complexity of the assessments means that the number of approvals is minimal. In the most recent edition, in which Marcus came first, of the 30 police officers who started the journey, only nine completed it. The training lasted 37 days.

“It is a course that demands extreme physical and technical capacity from the participant. It’s easy to take any type of test at your comfort, which is why they require the candidate to be at their limit”, reveals Marcus. Among the topics covered in the training, there are negotiation practices, compromise shooting, tactical burglary, handling of explosives, combat in a confined environment, tactical rappelling and adaptation to liquid environments.

This was the second time Marcus participated in the training. The first was in 2022, but, after 26 days of training, he failed a technical test. Without giving up on certification, he returned this year even more obstinate. “It is very valid knowledge for the prison sector, especially when it comes to hostage rescue and crisis management. We will grow a lot professionally and have more information on how to guarantee the safety of employees and inmates”, says Marcus, who has been a criminal police officer for five years.

According to the head of DPOE, Thiago de Faria, the corporation’s training is essential for public security, as it expands the range of solutions for crisis management. “The exchange of theoretical and practical knowledge, articulating different contexts and realities, favors the police officer’s technical and tactical framework”, he assesses. “With this, the Police that sends the student wins, the Police that promotes the course and receives the student and society wins with the high degree of specialization of security agents. For the Criminal Police, it is essential to have employees constantly improving in their areas of activity”, adds Faria.

With information from Agência Brasília

The post Criminal police officer is the first in the DF to lead a special tactical action course appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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