Mon. Sep 30th, 2024

The Minister of Ports and Airports, Silvio Costa Filho, announced on the afternoon of this Monday, 18th, a change in the department’s secretariat. Mariana Pescatori is the name of the first woman to take over the National Secretariat of Ports and Waterway Transport (SNPTA). The appointment of the new secretary should be published in the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU) in the next few days.

Civil engineer graduated from the University of Brasília (UnB), Pescatori has a master’s degree in Strategic Planning in the area of ​​Civil Aviation from the École Nationale de l’Aviation Civile (France), and an MBA in Engineering and Port Management from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and did an exchange in Strategic Planning, Maritime Operations and Maritime Transport at the University of Porto, in Portugal.

A career employee at the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac), Mariana Pescatori has been a member of the secretariat’s team since 2010, when the structure still belonged to the Ministry of Transport, Ports and Civil Aviation. She was also director of the current Infra SA and currently serves as president of the Board of Directors of the Port of Santos.

“Mariana Pescatori is one of the best members of this new generation in the Brazilian port sector. A very prepared, serious woman, who has a public spirit. We are sure and confident that she will make a great contribution to Brazil, dialoguing with the productive sector, with the workers, providing the governance we need to get infrastructure works off the ground and put the port sector on the national agenda”, commented minister Silvio Costa Filho.

The minister also thanked the contribution of secretary Fabrizio Pierdomenico at the head of SNPTA. “The secretary helped a lot with the port and waterway agenda throughout the first semester, preparing projects and a set of actions that we will follow up on, in order to advance the government’s agenda for the sector”, he concluded.

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The post Costa Filho announces changes in the National Secretariat of Ports and Waterway Transport appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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