Sun. Sep 29th, 2024


How much does our well-being cost? What is the value of our comfort? Being warm in winter and cool in summer comes at a cost. In the same way as the comfort that oil brings in everything it manufactures. We spent a century industrializing the globe, we spent a century warming the planet. When our concern was to warm those in the gutter on freezing days, today it seems easy compared to the unimaginable heat felt in winter. The bill always arrives. And this time the bill became high. The Bible says that sowing generates harvest. And this became clear in the warming dome that took over the country, like never before. How long will we remain oblivious to the care that the blue planet, our home, requires? How long will we cover the sun with the sieve? May this last wave make us reflect and act before it becomes a furnace, and turns what were flowers into ashes.

Message from Pastor Ricardo Espindola

“From the ground to the ground”
In an unprecedented exhibition, visual artist Helena Lopes presents her most recent production that brings together digital images, fine art prints, video projection and texts. The exhibition opens tomorrow, starting at 7pm, at the National Museum of the Republic, curated by Renata Azambuja and exhibits by Gero Tavares.

This Thursday, at 7pm, the 2nd edition of the Brasal Décor Exhibition opens, which this year’s theme is Affective Architecture – exclusivity gains a personal touch. The cocktail party for guests, at Espaço Brasal Lago, will feature a talk by Thalita Carvalho, presenter and editor who runs @casadecolorir.

Group show
With the presence of Israeli ambassador Daniel Zohar Zonshine and ambassador Liora, parliamentarians, businesspeople and artists, the official opening of the Cultural Exchange Exhibition “Olhares de Israel” will take place tomorrow, at 10 am, in the Black Hall of the National Congress. The guest is the Cida Carvalho Mosaic Studio.

The film A Ilha dos Ilus is the first animated feature film in Goiás. Produced by Mandra Filmes, by Ricardo Podestá, and directed by Paulo Miranda, it took six years to complete and was awarded at the Moscow International Children’s Festival. The plot tells the story of Pocó, a naive dog who lived on an island. The film premiered at Cinema Bougainville last week, after participating in several national and international festivals.

Towers of Love
On a night of pure empathy, businesswoman and lawyer Flávia Torres launched the Instituto Torres de Amor, which will develop campaigns to collect self-esteem and personal care products for women undergoing cancer treatment. The kits from the Institute’s first action will go to the Araújo Jorge Hospital and the care homes in the municipalities that shelter women who come from the interior for treatment in Goiânia.

The post Coluna Lia Dinorah appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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