Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Following the slowdown of recent months, federal tax and contribution collection totaled R$172.785 billion in August. The result represents a real drop (discounting inflation) of 4.14% compared to the result of August last year, when tax collection totaled R$ 172.314 billion, in nominal terms. This is the third consecutive month of a drop in federal revenue.

Compared to July this year, revenue fell 14.59%. According to the Revenue’s historical series, this is the worst result for August since 2021, when revenue totaled R$155.3 billion, in real terms.

The revenue result was in line with the median of R$ 172.900 billion of the expectations of the institutions heard by Projeções Broadcast. The data was within the projection range, which ranged from R$167.600 billion to R$191.600 billion.

The Tax Authority pointed out that there was a real growth of 2.67% in the collection of Social Security Contributions in August, due to the growth in the wage bill. It also highlighted the real growth of 6.08% in Cofins/PIS-Pasep collection, due to the growth in the volume of sales and services and the changes in the fuel taxation rules.

The Revenue also highlighted the collection, in May, of approximately R$827 million by the Export Tax due to the taxation of crude oil (Provisional Measure 1,163/23), in addition to R$861 million from the litigation reduction program

From January to August 2023, federal revenue totaled R$1.517 trillion. With the real retraction in August, the volume is the second best for the period in the historical series, which started in 1995, in values ​​corrected by the IPCA. The amount represents a real drop of 0.83% compared to the first eight months of 2022.

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The post Revenue in August totals R$ 172.785 billion and has a real drop of 4.14% compared to August 2022 appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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