Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Legislative Chamber of the Federal District (CLDF) approved, this Tuesday (19), the bill that authorizes the granting of real rights to use public areas close to residential lots in Lago Sul and Lago Norte.

According to the text, owners of lots close to the areas now have the right to use these under certain conditions, such as the prohibition of pedestrian flow or limiting the population’s access to infrastructure networks and other public equipment.

The project provides that the concession must be formalized by contract between the GDF and the owner of the lot, who will be responsible for environmental preservation and any damage caused to the environment, public equipment and public service networks, such as telephone and sewage.

The concession of use will have a term of up to 30 years, and the owners of the lots who opt for use must pay an annual amount to the GDF that cannot exceed the Urban Property and Territorial Property Tax (IPTU) of their property.


The leader of the Minority in the CLDF, deputy Gabriel Magno (PT), defended the postponement of the vote on the project, asking for more time for discussion and arguing incomplete technical analysis by the Secretariat of Urban Development and Housing (Seduh). “Seduh’s study is only about the alleys, but the project has a ‘catch’: if I have an 800-meter lot, I can have 1,600m of more green area,” he pointed out.

Agreeing with his colleague, deputy Fábio Felix (PSOL) also presented another concern: “The project opens up the possibility of, in the medium term, the complete ‘reprivatization’ of the lake for a select group”. Furthermore, the district argued that the matter should be the subject of a complementary bill and not ordinary law, implying a qualified quorum.

The government leader, deputy Robério Negreiros (PSD), rejected the possibility of privatizing the shore of Lake Paranoá and guaranteed that the green areas will be preserved. “Seduh will analyze the situation of already occupied alleys, and some may even be vacated, if they hinder mobility issues. The project also does not reach permanent protection areas, it will only be in desert lands”, he assured.

Deputy João Cardoso (Avante), in turn, recalled that, in several administrative regions of the DF, public areas are already being granted: “In the satellites, we already have green areas with a public price charged. This is a reality.”

Due to a conflict of interest, deputy Paula Belmonte (Citizenship) declared herself unable to vote and abstained.

The information is from CLDF

The post CLDF approves concession of public areas in Lago Sul and Lago Norte appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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