Sat. Sep 28th, 2024

More than half of fraud attempts (51.5%) in July occurred in the “Banks and Cards” sector (focused on opening accounts and requesting credit card issuance), resulting in one occurrence in every 6. 6 seconds. The survey was carried out by Serasa Experian and obtained exclusively byBroadcastGrupo Estado’s real-time news system.

The “Banks and Cards” segment is targeted by fraudsters because it enables new types of scams without leaving a trace, according to Caio Rocha, director of Authentication and Fraud Prevention Products at Serasa Experian.

He also considers that using the card for purchases viae-commerce e marketplacesIt makes it easier for criminals to act by not requiring a password.

In total, Brazil had 785,289 fraud attempts in July, an increase of 3.4% compared to June. After “Banks and Cards”, the sectors that accounted for the most fraud attempts were “Services” (27.8%), followed by “Finance” (15.8%), “Retail” (3.6%) and “Telephony ” (1.4%).

According to the director of Authentication and Fraud Prevention Products at Serasa Experian, it is difficult to say whether this movement will last in the coming months, but the “Banks and Cards” segment has been one of the most affected for some time – in every month since January 2023 it has recorded the most occurrences of attempted scams – as it brings the possibility of motivating new scams, associated with this first opening of a fraudulent account or card.

Rocha also explains that the “Finance” niche is more related to financing, while “Retail” is more related to the financial arm, such asprivate labeland financial initiatives of retail companies. “Services” encompasses those that are not within the previous segments, such as insurance.

In terms of age, Brazilians between 36 and 50 years old were the most frequent targets, with 35.8% of unsuccessful attacks. “It is normally the most economically active age group, so fraudsters have more access to data or resources from this niche to attempt scams”, says Rocha.

Only Rio Grande do Sul did not record an increase in fraud attempts in July, with the indicator falling 0.8% on a monthly basis. The Federal District was the federative unit with the highest growth (+8%) in the month, which jumped from 18,120 registrations to 19,065.

The DF also concentrates the majority of incidents per million inhabitants, with 6,019 attempts. Next come Santa Catarina (5,119) and Mato Grosso (4,931). In Brazil as a whole, 3,631 fraud attempts were recorded for every one million inhabitants.

Rocha points out that companies have invested heavily in authentication and fraud prevention technology, a market that generates hundreds of millions of reais, according to Serasa estimates.

The director of Products and Authentication and Fraud Prevention at Serasa also mentions that, more recently, brands have also invested in consumer education regarding data protection to avoid scams. “There are cases of banks that even tried to communicate directly with consumers on television”, says Rocha.

This Friday, Serasa Experian’s fraudometer estimates that 2023 will total more than 6.9 million identity fraud attempts.

Estadão Content

The post Banking and Card Sector has 1 fraud attempt every 6 seconds, says Serasa appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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