Sat. Sep 21st, 2024


Amnesty’s PEC rapporteur, deputy Antonio Carlos Rodrigues (PL-SP), filed this Tuesday afternoon (19) a new opinion establishing a minimum number of seats for women in the Chamber of Deputies, Legislative Assemblies and Municipal Chambers, but eliminates the requirement for a minimum of 30% of candidates.

According to the text, in the 2024 municipal elections, at least 15% of legislative seats will be allocated to women, a percentage that will rise to 20% in 2026. It turns out that in the 2022 elections, federal deputies have already been elected in a percentage greater than 15% –17, 7%.

The text also determines that the party can form its ticket “only with candidates of the same sex, as long as the maximum limit of 70% of vacancies is respected”, simply by leaving the remaining 30% of vacancies unfilled.

Under current rules, the number of candidates must be divided between the sexes without the discrepancy exceeding 70% on one side and 30% on the other.

In other words, there is no possibility of leaving vacancies blank without this resulting in the removal of candidates of the majority sex, traditionally men.

The PEC, which has support from the right and the left, can be voted on in the special commission this Wednesday (20). For the rules to be valid in the 2024 municipal elections, the text must also be approved by the Senate and promulgated by October 5th of this year.

The main coordinator of the measure in Congress is the centrão, commanded in the Chamber by the President of the House, Arthur Lira (PP-AL).

The text also stipulates a cut of more than 50% of campaign funds to be allocated to black candidates, in addition to promoting the largest pardon in history for irregularities committed by political parties.

Initially, the idea was to address the issue of women in a specific PEC, under the rapporteur of deputy Soraya Santos (PL-RJ).

However, there was no consensus on either the text or the procedure, and there were not enough signatures to register a new text. An attempt was also made to combine the proposal with another, already in progress, which also did not work.

The divergence occurred regarding percentages. The women’s bench, for example, defended that there should be an increase in the quota of fixed seats for women, from 15% to 30%, maintaining the 30% quota of public funds for this group.

Part of the centrão and the most conservative wing of the Chamber wanted, however, that only the fixed 15% would remain in the text, without progression or financial quota.

Finally, at this Thursday’s leaders’ meeting and with the lack of consensus, it was decided that the main provisions of the text would be added to Amnesty’s PEC.

The post Amnesty’s PEC now reserves 15% of seats for women in legislatures, but weakens the quota appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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