Fri. Sep 20th, 2024


The CPI (Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry) investigating Americanas ended its activities this Tuesday (26) with the approval of the report by 18 votes in favor against eight votes against.

The text, authored by deputy Carlos Chiodini (MDB-SC), does not identify those responsible for the R$20 billion inconsistencies in the company’s accounts and is limited to making suggestions for legislative improvements.

According to him, it was not possible to define “precisely, the authorship of the identified facts, nor to attribute the respective criminal, civil or administrative responsibility to specific institutions or people”.

For Chiodini, pointing out culprits would result in probable rights violations. In his report, he made reference to investigations by the Federal Police and Public Prosecutor’s Office into fraud, which, according to him, are more advanced.

The PL, the PT, PC do B and PV federation and the PSOL-Rede federation sent a negative vote to the report. The Union, MDB and Republicans voted for approval. Progressistas released the bench and the other parties did not comment.

A first version of the report had been ready since the beginning of the month, but it was not voted on due to a request for views, which left its analysis for today’s session.

The main change in the text was the inclusion of requests for the Ministry of Finance to reinforce the staff of the CVM (Securities Commission) and also its budget. A letter on behalf of the CPI parliamentarians was sent to the department with the request.

Despite being approved, the report was criticized by parliamentarians and led to the union of PL and PSOL, two parties that are traditionally on opposite sides in political debates.

“I deeply regret the cardboard that is being done in this CPI”, stated deputy Fernanda Melchionna (PSOL-RS). According to her, the commission made an “attempt to shield shareholders from references, banks, auditing companies and produce a report that could have been ordered by the trio of shareholders and the board of directors of Americanas”.

She was referring to the trio of billionaires Jorge Paulo Lemann, Marcel Telles and Carlos Alberto Sicupira, the retailer’s leading shareholders.

João Carlos Bacellar (PL-BA) agreed with the deputy’s speech and said that the text produced by Chiodini “is the shielding report”.

“They are putting an end to this CPI with the shielding that took away the ability to listen to this group that assaulted Brazil,” he stated.

With the approval, the CPI concluded without hearing the former CEO, Miguel Gutierrez, who sent a written statement to the commission, banks and shareholders.

In the text, Gutierrez says that the company’s controllers actively participated in the daily life of the retail company and that the performance was even stronger in the financial area, where the R$20 billion fraud revealed this year was carried out. The former executive also states that everything he knew about the company was reported to Sicupira.

Chiodini’s report included mention of Gutierrez’s testimony, but did not elaborate on his allegations.

See the Americanas timeline

may 17: installation of the CPI June 6: first public hearing of the CPI, in which the summons of Americanas executives and authorities from supervisory bodies was approved.

June 13: Leonardo Coelho, current president of Americanas, blames the company’s former management and says there is evidence of accounting fraud.

June 20: João Pedro Nascimento, president of the CVM, says that evidence points to “the existence of a bold fraudulent scheme to inflate and falsify accounting numbers and results”.

August 1st: with habeas corpus, the company’s former financial and investor relations director, Fábio da Silva Abrate, remains silent in the face of questions from parliamentarians. Carla Bellangero, audit partner at KPMG in Brazil, and Fábio Cajazeira Mendes, audit leader at PwC, say they are victims of deliberate actions by the company to hide the billion-dollar hole.

August 8: Also with habeas corpus, José Timotheo de Barros, former director of physical stores, logistics and technology at Americanas, remains silent at the CPI. August 15th: Márcio Cruz Meirelles, former director of commercial and marketing areas at Americanas, says that he was never responsible for the retailer’s tax and accounting departments and, with habeas corpus, remained silent when asked about the delay to suppliers, who were under his responsibility.

August 22: Sergio Rial, former president of Americanas, says he sees no evidence of Lemann, Sicupira and Telles’ participation in the breach. Flávia Carneiro, the company’s former controlling superintendent, remains silent. August 29: Marcelo da Silva Nunes, the company’s former financial director, remains silent.

September 5th: Anna Christina Saicali, former CEO of, B2W. and Ame Digital, remains silent. Miguel Gutierrez, president of the company between 2002 and 2022, sends letters to the CPI and the Court with his version of what happened at the retailer, in which he blames 3G Capital for the fraud.

September 26th: CPI ends activities with the approval of the report by 18 votes in favor against eight votes against

The post CPI of Americanas closes activities without pointing out culprits appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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