Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The Attorney General’s Office (AGU) sent this Monday (25) to the Federal Supreme Court (STF) an opinion in favor of the unconstitutionality of the constitutional amendments approved by Jair Bolsonaro’s government to establish a new regime for payment of court orders. This is what government debts that have been recognized by the courts are called.

In the opinion, the AGU maintains that the regime foresees an increasing increase in expenditure and could generate an unpayable stock. According to the agency, the total debt could reach R$250 billion by 2027.

“The continuation of the current precatório payment system has the potential to generate an unpayable stock, which would result in the need for a new moratorium, intensifying and projecting violations of fundamental rights over a longer period of time, which will be better explained in the following topic” , argued the AGU.

The document also says that new payment rules for court orders brought “false fiscal relief” and “artificially masked” public accounts. In the lawyer’s opinion, the debt is not included in the annual statistics and is postponed until 2027, when it must be paid off.

The opinion was included in unconstitutionality actions filed in 2021 with the STF by the PDT and the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB).

The trial date has not yet been defined by the rapporteur, Minister Luiz Fux. The information is from Agência Brasil.

The post AGU defends suspension of current court payment rules appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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