Tue. Sep 24th, 2024


The property developer Mohamed Hadidfather of supermodels Gigi Hadid y Bella Hadidhas recently caused a bit of controversy, after several followers speculated that the man had become romantically engaged to his own daughter.

The news comes after some followers of the popular family began to speculate that they had seen the daughter of Mohamed Hadid with a ring from what appeared to be an engagement. And from there, through social networks, they began to speculate that the businessman had proposed get marry to his own daughter.

However, after the incident and the news went viral on all digital platforms, some fans of the businessman came to his defense, assuring that he is not really his daughter, but rather his current girlfriend, Kenny Silvawho has a similar identical to the model Gigi Hadid, and it was her who was seen with the big ring.

This couple was recently seen taking a walk last Saturday afternoon in Beverly Hills. The tycoon of 70 years and his girlfriend 30 years younger than him, from 40 yearswas seen with a ring on her left hand, so it is believed that this couple is finally engaged.

However, neither of them wanted to do anything. announcement or public comment on this topic or on the development of what their relationship has been. Only through the paparazzi It is that it has been known how the relationship of Mohamed Hadid who has separated twice previously has developed.


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