Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

Last Friday (22), the Civil Police of the Federal District, through the 10th Police Station, launched Operation Exodus, six search and seizure warrants were executed. The operation targeted a criminal association suspected of carrying out robberies in residences in the Lago Sul region.

According to investigations, the crime that triggered the action occurred in May this year, when armed criminals invaded a residence in Lago Sul. They announced the robbery, captured and tied up the resident to steal jewelry and a vehicle. Police authorities acted quickly to identify and detain the suspects.

During the investigations, the police seized the targets’ cell phones, aiming to assist in the investigations. In addition, R$2,200 in cash, 16 portions of marijuana and 20 portions of cocaine, a set of vehicle hubcaps and several bank cards were found. One of the criminals, who was in possession of the drugs, was charged with the crime of drug trafficking.

The action included the participation of a team made up of three police chiefs and 32 agents from the Civil Police of the Federal District, demonstrating the authorities’ commitment to public safety.

The chief delegate of the 10th DP, Jônatas Santos, emphasized that investigations are ongoing to identify others involved with the criminal group and other related crimes. “If convicted, they could face sentences of up to 18 years in prison. The individual involved in drug trafficking and caught in the act, if convicted, could be sentenced to five to 15 years in prison”, highlighted the delegate.

Operation Exodus represents an important step in the fight against crime in the Lago Sul region, demonstrating the authorities’ commitment to ensuring the safety and tranquility of citizens. Investigations continue, aiming to completely dismantle this criminal association and bring those responsible to justice.

The post PCDF dismantles criminal association suspected of robberies in residences in Lago Sul appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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