Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024


Marieta Severo, 76, opened her heart to talk, for the first time, about her fight against endometrial cancer. In an interview with the newspaper O Globo, the actress says that the disease was discovered at an early stage, but she needed to remove her uterus and ovaries.

I’ve never talked about this before, but, yes, I had endometrial cancer. I needed to remove the uterus and ovaries. I discovered it very early on, I didn’t even need to do chemotherapy.
Marieta Severo

The actress accepted the invitation to be godmother of the September in Bloom campaign, from the Brazilian Group of Gynecological Tumors (EVA), with the aim of providing information on the topic. “I need to use my active voice to talk about fundamental topics, such as my health and that of others. After the denialist times we live in, research shows that vaccination rates have fallen…”

The artist even states that her grandchildren are already vaccinated against HPV. “Of course, all (the granddaughters) and the only grandson too. The vaccine is a victory for humanity.”

The HPV vaccine is recommended for boys and girls, men and women aged 9 to 45. For girls and boys aged 9 to 14, the vaccination schedule is two doses, six months apart. The vaccine is available in private clinics, with an average price of R$950.

The post Marieta Severo exposes the fight against cancer: ‘I needed to remove the uterus’ appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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