Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

The actress Mariana Xavier gave an exclusive interview to Glamor Magazine, and commented on how he deals with anxiety and its ups and downs, in addition to having to deal with fame at the same time.

“Therapy is something that I will never give up. I’ve been doing it for 20 years – with some breaks, but roughly for 20 years – and I don’t want my psychologist to discharge me (laughs). I think it’s a continuous and eternal process. In the most critical moments, medication, psychiatric care, which is something we need to normalize”,she began.

“The same way we go to the orthopedist, the gastro specialist, the ophthalmologist… Other than that, spirituality. Taking care of spirituality, balancing energy, and, above all, taking away from myself the burden of meeting other people’s expectations”,continued.

“Perhaps this is the most challenging part, because fame puts you in a very vulnerable position of forgetting that you are a human being, and putting you in a place of deification and, at the same time, almost of servitude, because They think you have to be available all the time”he added.

“Often, I am a person who goes against the grain. Who talks about the thorny issues that no one wants to talk about. Which talks about there being a bad side to fame; which talks about being aware that, sometimes, I’m going to displease someone, because I’m not going to do violence to live up to anyone’s expectations. If I have a bad day, there’s no way I can do my best.”he concluded.

The post ‘I’m a person who goes against the grain’, says Mariana Xavier appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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