Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

To expand vaccination coverage in the Federal District, the Department of Health (SES-DF) invests in initiatives that reach the population and facilitate access to vaccines. Therefore, this weekend, the department is participating in an event in Parking 10 at Parque da Cidade offering vaccines for all ages, with the aim of ensuring that the local population updates their vaccination records. This Sunday (24), the action – which is part of the National Traffic Week celebrations in partnership with the Federal Highway Police (PRF) – will take place from 9am to 3pm.

Babies, children, teenagers, adults and elderly people who go to the site will be able to be immunized against Covid-19, influenza and several other diseases, following the Vaccination Calendar. All other immunizations provided for in the public health network are available, with the exception of BCG and anti-rabies for humans, but these can be found in more than 100 vaccination rooms that operate on weekdays throughout the DF.

‌The objective of the folder is to increase vaccination coverage in the DF, mainly in relation to protection against covid-19, but also against other diseases, such as polio, measles and rubella. “Our biggest concern is the children’s schemes, because many parents take them to take the first dose and do not return for the second and booster dose”, explains the nurse and coordinator of the action, Gabriela Barasuol.

To promote immunization, there are a series of actions that bring vaccines to the population. This weekend’s, for example, aims to reach the public who frequent Parque da Cidade to exercise or who were already participating in the event in reference to National Traffic Week, such as nursing student Daniel Carvalho, 27, who updated your vaccination record.

“I think a lot of people sometimes have difficulty getting to a health center to update their vaccination card. Here is an opportunity for people who are in their leisure environment to get vaccinated too, it is very practical”, she assessed.

Vaccination coverage

Since 2016, Brazil has recorded a drop in vaccination coverage across the entire territory. Even measles, a disease that had already been eradicated, reappeared in the country in 2018.

‌Among the Health Department’s strategies to increase vaccination rates in the DF, external actions carried out in shopping malls, parks, schools and other public places have been very important to increase the city’s vaccination rate, in addition to projects such as the Vaccine Car and the dissemination of national immunization campaigns.

‌“When we leave the space of the basic health unit, we guarantee more access to people. Those who don’t have time in the rush of everyday life have the opportunity to get vaccinated here at the (City) Park or in other public places”, highlighted the action coordinator.

‌Across the Federal District, there are more than 100 vaccination rooms open on weekdays and, weekly, points are announced that also operate on Saturdays. Check vaccination locations here.

With information from Agência Brasília

The post Vaccination for all ages in Parque da Cidade runs until Sunday appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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