Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

The National Library of Brasília (BNB) is strengthening the activity of the DF Public Library Network through donations of books, furniture and computers. In 2023, 31 computers, more than 1,300 books and dozens of pieces of furniture were transferred – mainly chairs, as well as armchairs, counters and shelves. The network is made up of 24 locations, led by BNB.

“In addition to books for the collections, which is our commitment, we are making an effort to help with the operational capacity of libraries because we feel that there is a demand for furniture and computers”, explains the director of BNB, Marmenha Rosário.

In 2021, the Secretariat of Culture and Creative Economy (Secec) acquired new computers and was able to pass on the replaced machines. The Lúcio Costa and Monteiro Lobato libraries, in Recanto das Emas, received 16 pieces of equipment. Those in Vicente Pires, Ceilândia and Riacho Fundo gained, respectively, four, five and six units. The PCs are made up of an Intel Core I3 processor, 4GB memory, 320GB to 500GB hard drive, and come with Windows 10 Pro software. The monitors are 19 inches, with a wired mouse and 108-key keyboard.

“Before, we only had two computers for the entire community. We received six computers and a counter from BNB”, explains Ana Cristina Bezerra, manager of the Riacho Fundo Public Library. Of these, four were for students, one machine was for customer service and another was for Ana to work on. “It was a significant milestone for access to information and knowledge for our users”, she assesses.

The donation also humanized the rigorous system that previously existed, whereby each user, after being on a waiting list, could only spend one hour in front of the screen.

The Culture, Sports and Leisure manager at Recanto das Emas, André Luiz Pinto Ferreira, divided the 16 machines between the two libraries in the administrative region. Each unit had five computers, with the remaining six awaiting increased furniture for installation. Two to three machines will be kept in reserve for possible maintenance of the others.

“With the donation, we were able to improve the quality of service to users, which immediately generated an increase in demand”, says the manager. According to Ferreira, if before each library received an average of 20 interested parties per day, with the new PCs, there are now close to 30 people visiting each of the two libraries.


“BNB has been doing unprecedented work, knowing how to listen to the demands of each RA”, praises Benedito Lopes Lima, from the Núcleo Bandeirante Public Library, where the biggest shortage was furniture. The space received ten armchairs. “They were fundamental to our regenerative space. We realized that the library needed a place where visitors could rest after long hours of studying”, says the server.

Vicente Pires’ equipment manager, Felipe Matta Pontes, highlights the digital inclusion that the donation of computers promoted: “Many of the visitors need a well-equipped environment to support academic and school research. Computers facilitate access to research resources, such as academic journals and databases.”

In the case of the Ceilândia Carlos Drummond de Andrade Public Library, the five machines that arrived restored the Digital Space, which had been reduced from 15 to ten computers due to five units showing defects after a long period of use – since 2015.

“The machines that arrived made it possible to reestablish full service in the space and continue training for visitors, especially those who are in a situation of digital poverty”, explains the site manager, Pollyanna Souza.

The Paranoá unit did not receive machines from this batch and is hoping to get six computers and seven shelves soon. “I’m already in contact with BNB”, says the space manager, Antônia Maciel da Silva.

While the material doesn’t arrive, Antônia received cans of spray paint from BNB to renovate the library’s facade with graffiti. The artist Wesley Alves Leite, known as WeslleySandu, developed allusions to the poetics of literature on the building’s facade.

With information from Agência Brasília

The post Brasília National Library helps equip other public spaces appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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