Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024


The use of psychedelic substances as medicine is a subject that divides Brazilians. However, more than half of the population would consider using it for some health treatment if they had a recommendation from a trusted doctor.

The information was obtained from a survey carried out by Datafolha with 2,016 respondents aged 16 or over. The responses were collected in 139 municipalities across the country on September 12th and 13th. The margin of error is plus or minus two percentage points.

Treatment with psychedelic substances would be accepted “definitely” by 36% of respondents interviewed by the institute. Another 16% said they might accept it if there was a recommendation from a trusted doctor, and 43% responded that they would not accept the treatment.

The rate of respondents who would accept treatment is lower among evangelicals (27%) and among those who declared their vote for Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in the 2022 elections (28%). On the other hand, it grows among Catholics (37%) and in the group of those who voted for Lula (PT) last year (45%).

Hallucinogenic or psychedelic drugs are natural or synthetic substances that significantly alter the senses. Among the best known in the country are LSD (lysergic acid), MDMA (also called ecstasy), ayahuasca and psilocybin (a substance present in some species of mushroom).

Less known to the general population than other drugs, such as marijuana and cocaine, psychedelic substances have broad research ground in Brazil. The country is a pioneer in studies using ayahuasca in the treatment of depression, for example.

According to the Datafolha survey, 43% of Brazilians are in favor of legalizing the use of psychedelics as medicine, while 46% are against it. There are still 2% who are indifferent and 10% have no opinion.

When asked about the ritualistic use of these substances, 25% said they were in favor and 62% were against permission. This rate varies depending on the religion of the respondent. Among evangelicals, 69% said they are against the legalization of psychedelics for spiritual use, and 19% are in favor. Among Catholics, 62% said they were against it and 23% said they were in favor.

As for the complete legalization of the use of psychedelics, the favorable rate is even lower: 11% are in favor and 80% are against.

The post Half of Brazilians say they would use psychedelic substances for treatments, according to Datafolha appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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