Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

The Federal District Traffic Department (Detran-DF) has several actions for National Traffic Week. The movement began on Thursday (21) and will continue until this Sunday (24). This Saturday (23), an educational event is being promoted in Parking 11 of Parque da Cidade, with the participation of several GDF bodies.

There, security forces, public and private institutions display vehicles, educational stands, dolls, artistic presentations, a street lecture circuit and other activities addressing the topic.In traffic, choose lifeselected this year by the National Traffic Secretariat (Senatran).

Established in 1997, National Traffic Week is held to raise awareness of pedestrians, drivers and cyclists about the importance and responsibility in traffic. This Saturday’s event (23) features theatrical shows by the Military Police of the Federal District (PMDF) and Detran, storytelling, mimes and repentistas, as well as a simulator in the Detran tent.

“We had several actions throughout the week in strategic points in the Federal District, but at the event in Parque da Cidade we managed to strengthen National Traffic Week with other traffic security forces and show the importance of education, engineering, inspection and of safety to form more aware citizens in traffic”, highlighted the general director of Detran-DF, Takane Nascimento.

Public servant Maria Eduarda Bello was one of the first to arrive at the event, which she found out about on Instagram.

With her three-year-old son, she went through all the tents and played with the little one at the wait and cross sign.

According to the mother, their favorite attraction is the vehicles, especially the police helicopter, where you can go in and take photos until 5pm.

“I brought my son and since he was little we have taught him about respect in traffic and how much this is part of citizenship. These government actions are super important. Now it’s super nice, despite the sun, there’s plenty of shade. It’s really cool for kids, I’m really enjoying it. Everyone is very helpful, so it’s really worth it”, commented Maria Eduarda.

In partnership with the Environmental Sanitation Company of the Federal District (Caesb), the event has a water distribution car, as well as hydration points and distribution of popsicles in the tent of the Federation of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism of the Federal District (Fecomércio-DF). Educational materials and gifts are also given to the population and, for event participants, the National Traffic Week 2023 t-shirt.

Learning in a playful way

According to the head of Detran’s Educational Campaigns Center, Miguel Videl, the main objective is to pass on information in a playful way and show that traffic is not only handled by Detran, PMDF, Federal District Highway Department (DER -DF), Federal Highway Police (PRF) and other entities, but for the entire population.

“We believe that education is the best direction and together we can make traffic safer. When I decide to cross a pedestrian crossing looking to the sides and giving the life sign, drive, ride a bicycle or ride my motorcycle responsibly, I am choosing life”, highlighted Videl.

Agricultural engineer Jales Falcão took his two children to the event and highlighted the most interesting parts, including the book distribution tent, with works carried out by a Detran employee. “We met the author herself. It was a privilege to know that they produced such a cool work. And as they (the boys) really like reading, they were super happy to receive this gift, including a signature and dedication from the author, it was really cool”, highlighted the father.

He added the importance of raising awareness for families, such as using seat belts, for example. “It is very important for children to be aware of traffic education from an early age and it really helps to complement this in their daily lives. It’s been really cool, there are several tents from various institutions that provide a lot of relevant information, both in traffic and in other areas,” he reported.

The booksTransiting consciously, everyone is happy e Autism: with a new perspective it is possible to loveare written by Detran employee Aline Campos. The first was launched last year, during the 36th edition of the Brasília Book Fair, while the second was this year.

According to the author, children’s works are to raise awareness among the population about traffic and autism, in the second book showing the independence, autonomy, potential that people with autism have, not just focusing on limitations.

“As a member of the organization and a children’s writer, it is very rewarding. When carrying out traffic education work, the objective is always to build a conscious citizen. And from children’s literature, which has all this playfulness, it makes it easier for children to understand and retain knowledge”, observed Aline.

The department also develops the Detran nas Escolas program, which provides traffic education through children’s literature. Books are distributed in schools, free of charge. Institutions simply need to send an email to [email protected] requesting a visit from Detran.

The National Traffic Week event continues this Sunday (24), with a cycling tour, starting at 9am. With more than 500 registered so far, the expectation is that Parque da Cidade will receive more than a thousand cyclists.​

With information from Agência Brasília

The post National Traffic Week brings attractions to Parque da Cidade appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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