Mon. Sep 23rd, 2024

The Court of Auditors of the Municipality of São Paulo (TCM-SP) pointed out an overpricing of R$ 67.1 million in 18 emergency works contracted by the Ricardo Nunes (MDB) management, between 2021 and 2022. This category of work does not require bidding and has been increasingly frequent in the capital. According to the TCM, spending on emergency contracts jumped from R$80 million in 2020, under the Bruno Covas (PSDB) administration, to R$2.06 billion in 2022 – an increase of 2,475%. The mayor stated that the report is irresponsible.

The document that indicates overpricing also points to an overpricing of R$80 million in the contracts analyzed. The document also says that in 90% of the works it is found that the Municipal Secretariat of Urban Infrastructure and Works (SIURB) “acted with insufficient planning to face the city’s historical problems and, instead of promoting tenders, signed emergency contracts. This type of contracting is distinguished from the real emergency, called ‘manufactured emergency'”, he says.

In a note, the City Hall stated that it had already commented on the report with the TCM in July this year. “Regarding the hypothesis of overpricing raised by the Court, SIURB’s statement was clear: it refuted the idea of ​​overpricing and overbilling, considering that all equipment and materials always have the SIURB Cost Table as a parameter, with no possibility of practice of other prices that could make the analyzed contracts overpriced”, says the text.

The audit by the Court of Auditors only evaluated emergency works carried out through SIURB, formalized between August 2021 and June 2022. The report was signed by three technicians from the agency, who, in addition to analyzing the contracts, visited the works . In the cases analyzed, 55% of the volume of resources spent on contracts refer to interventions in streams in the capital.

In relation to interventions in streams, the TCM alleges that the City Hall divides the works to contain the banks of streams, carrying out several emergency works of small extent instead of bidding for large works in the watercourses. For the agency, this practice promotes a vicious cycle, as other emergency works will be necessary to deal with identical situations along the watercourse, resulting in a loss of scale effect in hiring.

SIURB stated, in a note, that it has been improving its control methods and is in the study phase to issue ordinances to regulate the contracting of emergency works and the instruction of processes, enabling a better understanding of the rites and procedures adopted by the department. “Emergency works are contracted by SIURB exclusively in cases where there is an imminent risk to the lives of residents, or to the stability of structures.”

Nunes classifies the report as irresponsible; Boulos enters with representation in the MP

On the morning of this Friday, the 21st, the mayor of the capital and pre-candidate for re-election, Ricardo Nunes, classified the TCM report as irresponsible. “There’s nothing to talk about overpricing. It’s irresponsible to do that. It’s getting close to the election and, obviously, everyone is getting excited,” he said in an interview with journalists, after being asked about the matter.

Federal deputy Guilherme Boulos (PSOL), Nunes’ main opponent in the race for Mayor, filed a representation with the São Paulo Public Ministry against the mayor. “The data in the report is appalling”, says Boulos. “It is unacceptable for the Public Authorities to simply ignore the requirement for tenders and hand-pick the beneficiaries of this billion-dollar amount. Who cares about this?”

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The post TCM points out overpricing of R$67 million in works without a tender from the City of SP appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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