Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Suzane von Richthofen was once again in the spotlight after a dispute between her current husband and his ex-wife over custody of their daughters. With the repercussion of the case, lawyer Vitor Lanna issued his opinion legally evaluating the case.

First, let’s understand the case:
Doctor Silvia Constantino Franco, 44, ex-wife of Suzane Von Richthofen’s current husband, Felipe Zecchini Nunes, 40, began a legal battle for custody of her three daughters, who are in the care of their father. She states that she let her daughters remain with their father because she was weakened by the separation, but now, faced with her ex’s new relationship, she decided to fight to regain custody of the girls in court for fear of the children living with Suzane.Word by Vitor Lanna
“It’s a very delicate situation, because we have, on one side, Suzane, who was convicted of a heinous crime against her own parents for money, but who served her sentence. But, looking from the point of view of Law from Family, I understand the following: any person, even an adult, would feel a certain discomfort in being next to Suzane. The neighbor, the building doorman, someone who shares a classroom with her, for example. In other words, This situation, this social stigma, she will carry forever, as many others did, see Guilherme de Pádua, these most notable crimes, Bruno, the goalkeeper”, explains Vitor Lanna, a lawyer specializing in resolving family problems.

Regarding the request made by the girls’ mother, the lawyer is adamant: “If this mother of these children were my client, I would go to court, yes, to prevent this child from living with Suzane, the father’s current partner. I would not provide for the coexistence of the children with their father, because against him I have no indication of risk. Therefore, a system of assistant coexistence should be created, where the children’s contact with Suzane would be preserved, due to the risk she poses to these children. If she killed her own parents, she may very well be capable of doing something similar to someone else’s daughters,” he says.
Vitor Lanna also reports that he would not like his own children to live with someone like Suzane, since, for him, there is a risk to the children’s healthy development in some way.

“In my view, I would defend the maximum possible preservation of contact for these children with a person like Suzane von Richthofen, who reveals serious, serious and important traits of psychopathy. So, anyway, a delicate, interesting situation, but my point of view that would be it”, points out the lawyer.

The post Lawyer gives his opinion on the dispute between von Richthofen’s husband and his ex’s family over child custody appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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