Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The governor of the Federal District, Ibaneis Rocha (MDB), signed, this Thursday (21), the granting of the installation license for Residencial Mansões Itaipu. The document is another step for around two thousand people who live in Jardim Botânico towards regularizing the condominium’s land tenure.

The license had been awaited by residents for more than 20 years, when it appeared in the São Bartolomeu neighborhood, which at the time belonged to Paranoá. Since 2019, the site has been part of the Jardim Botânico region. The condominium has a space of 121 hectares, in a Permanent Preservation Area (APP) – which is protected by environmental legislation – where 414 lots with more than 1,500 residences are distributed.

Ibaneis Rocha recalled that the regularization process, provided for in legislation approved by the National Congress, guarantees legal security for families who invested years ago in living in condominiums in the DF. “It is a great joy to be able to sign another license. I think the most important thing is for families to sleep peacefully knowing that they are on a legal lot and that their home is built in a safe environment. This is what we want for everyone and we will continue to work hard and firmly to regularize all housing here in the Federal District”, he highlighted.

As it is a preservation area, the Brasília Environmental Institute was responsible for studying the fauna, flora and water courses to ensure that the license was granted in compliance with environmental conditions. “The people who benefit from this are the entire population of the Federal District, because it is a way for us to minimize impacts on the environment. These condominiums have already been established for a long time and delays in regularizing them and adding infrastructure could be more harmful to the environment”, stated the president of the Brasília Environmental Institute, Rôney Nemer.

Manager of Residencial Mansões Itaipu for five years, Paloma Siqueira recalled that the installation license had been lost by the condominium in 2017. Since then, the community had been fighting to recover it. Documentation is necessary for the continuity of infrastructure works at the site, in addition to granting regularization. “Thanks to Governor Ibaneis Rocha we are succeeding. Now we will be able to continue our drainage works in the condominium, which we were unable to do, because it was at risk of being embargoed, and we also have four of the 46 streets to pave, which we were unable to do. With the license, we will continue our works,” she said.

Retired Lucimar Vasconcelos, 69 years old, said that at the end of last year she decided to build a house for one of her children on one of the lots in the condominium. However, despite having paid for the service, she was unable to continue due to the lack of a residential installation license. “I have a project stopped and I’ve been waiting all this time to start. So I’m very happy. Now I’m finally going to build and leave the little house to my son,” she said excitedly.

A resident of the place since 2005, biologist Claudia Rocha Campos, 55 years old, insisted on being present at the ceremony, precisely because it was an important moment for all residents of the condominium. “It’s an excellent day, because these are the first steps towards regularization, which is the only problem we have there today. This way we will be able to truly become a regularized condominium, with IPTU and everything normal”, she defined.

Investment in the Botanical Garden

Among the five largest regions of the Federal District, Jardim Botânico has been undergoing a condominium regularization process. “This is a step towards regularizing and solving the problem of the Botanical Garden, which today is land regularization”, commented the administrator of the Botanical Garden, Aderivaldo Cardoso.

In addition to the regularization processes, the GDF has been working in Jardim Botânico with infrastructure works, such as the construction of a viaduct that will benefit around 50 thousand drivers daily with an investment of R$33 million, and the delivery of the DF-001 duplication , which gained a 5.2 km stretch of double lane released in July this year. “We have many things being done here both by the government and in public-private partnerships, which have brought results and added value to our region”, adds the regional administrator.

The information is from Agência Brasília

The post GDF grants installation license to Residencial Mansões Itaipu appeared first in Jornal de Brasília.

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